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    Check Play it again Sports. That's where I got mine.:)
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    Hardcore Fitness Hot Chicks February 17, 2009

    Morning Maniacs! This morning I did Icycle Set 9. Had a great workout, but know I need to work a lot more on my cardio. I've officially released myself from my CLX rotation. I will still be using the workouts, but now won't feel all guilty if I don't do it as written.:) I have a tendency to do...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/16

    Morning Maniacs! Today is a rest day, as was the whole weekend! My husband is working on our bikes in the basement and there is just no room. He has upgraded most of my mountain bike components and is almost done putting together my road bike. I'm still waiting for parts for that. Should be a...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties Feb 13th

    Awe, come on. You know you want a cookie!:p I will admit. I'm getting antsy with this rotation. I think it's more that I want to get outside than to do with Chalene. I'm crawling the walls here. I did get my new road bike frame yesterday and my husband is already putting it together. I still...
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    Any Valentine Birthdays out there?

    Back at you!:D
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    Today I hate that morning jogger

    Oh boy, here comes my rant. Dogs allowed to run loose in neighborhoods are a huge pet peeve of mine. I used to be a stopper, but no more. I will not stop for you to catch your dog and I'll even cross the street while cars are coming to keep your dog away from me , if he get's hit, not my...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties Feb 13th

    Here is mine.:p I am getting ready to hit the basement. Need to do a CLX Push circuit, but don't wanna! I think I'll do Lauren Brookes kb workout instead. One other thing. I'm going to do it... I'm going to make Valentine cookies today. No one can stop me!:p Linda- I hope everything goes well...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties Feb 13th

    Anne_ I see you posted way early and we missed it, so I'm moving your post over here.:D _____________________________________________________________________ This is Annes post: Hello chickies.. I am up early. Going to get a workout in.. Sts disk 4.. I have severe doms in the legs. Feel like i...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/12

    ROFL! Mine aren't that bad. At least I didn't think so. Maybe I'll have to rethink the versagripps since you've noticed such a difference. Sorry you and your family are going through so much lately. I hope it all settles down soon.:)
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    Any Valentine Birthdays out there?

    I missed it by one day! My birthday is on Sunday.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/12

    Hey Maniacs! Today I did CLX Push Intervals and Extreme abs. Had a great workout! Those versagrips look nice, but the price! I'll stick with my hooks (I think they were around $10 bucks), they seem to work just fine for me.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/11

    This sounds really good. I've never put salmon in my salad before. I'm not a huge fan of asparagus, but maybe caramelized in honey mustard... I love honey mustard. You're gonna go crazy when he leaves in the car alone! At least I did with my kids. And I think you might be right about Suz in...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/11

    Teddy- I am the same way with chicken right now. I cannot even look at it! In fact the only meat I can eat lately is salmon. I am going to go buy some crab legs for a Valentines day treat for me and the hubster.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/11

    Morning Maniacs! I'm so lazy in the mornings the last couple weeks. I just want to hang around...lalalalalala. So, my workout today will be after work. I plan on CLX push circuit #2 and some cardio in there somewhere. Don't even ask about my ab work.:rolleyes: Debbie- I need your energy! Wow...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/10

    Anne- Geez! That's all you need... great big huge tire marks running through your lot!! Track him down!!:mad:
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/10

    LOL! I thought you'd already bought these. You have a sickness, I tell ya...;) I'm betting you still have clothes with the tags on too.:p
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/10

    Morning Maniacs! No workout this morning...early customers coming. I think later I'll do the same as Char and do the Icycle workout.:D I need to do abs too. Since a lot of you posted bf% yesterday; I took mine and it's at 19.2% (down 1+%). I like to be at at least 16%, so need to get to work...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/9

    Hey Crazies! Today I did CLX Push Circuit #1 and 200 swings.No time to really catch up with all you chatters. It snowed today. Kind of a blizzardy wet snow. Here's my workout Push Circuit #1-- 8 reps, slow 4x4 count. Standard Bicep Curl-20's Standard Squat-30's (to lazy to load the...
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    Hardcore fitness mainiacs Sun Feb 8th

    Morning Crazies! Today is a much needed rest day. I want to do some stretching, but Dh is hogging the basement and working on bikes again. It's supposed to snow today. Anne- Great to see you back! How is everything over at the Salon? Diane Sue- Nice to hear you are feeling better. Sonya-...