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  1. S

    Laughing Cow

    I spread it on a Wasa cracker with canned salmon and toasted pecans on top. :)
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for 3/4

    Morning Maniacs! Just finished up CLX Lean Circuit #2. The lean phase circuits are about 10 min. longer than the other circuits, just so's ya know. About 40 to 45 min. now. Teddy! Details girl! Char- So happy you are feeling better! Deb-I also switch things up in the CC's . Just whatever...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/3

    You know, I'm betting that PlyoX, as hard as it is, continues to burn calories all day long, so I would never ever feel bad about doing it.:cool: Really, I wonder how much this calorie burning thing really matters. When I do a Slim Series rotation for a month straight, I lose fat and about 5 lbs...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/3

    I looked back in my books and I burned 297 with PlyoX:mad::(. I'm 5'5'' and size 4. Again, my burns are always on the low end compared to most girls here. Hope that helps.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/3

    Morning Maniacs! This morning I did CC#1. I really like this one. You can make it super intense in that short time. I then did the Shoulder Drills from TBS. Debbie- I hate rotations that make me feel like that. They just seem to drag on and last forever. Linda- Great workout and nice calorie...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 3/2

    Hey Maniacs! Yesterday was a 42 mile bike ride with dh (weather was so nice!) and today I started the Lean Phase of CLX, did Lean Circuit #1. I might go on another bike ride today (maybe 15 miles) if it doesn't rain, but it's looking dark and gloomy outside. The wedding shower on Saturday went...
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    Hardcore Maniacs check in February 27, 2009

    Hey Maniacs! Just finished up CLX Push Circuit #3 and Cardio Coach #4. Had a wonderful time! Need to go get a bunch of stuff for the shower tomorrow. Also, need to find something to wear. I so neglect my wardrobe. You'd all laugh at how little is in my closet. I think I have more workout clothes...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/26

    Char- Great news! Whew whooo! I've been thinking of how hard it would be for you to drive him that long distance to work everyday.:eek: Sonya- OMG! What a day for you! I think having some wine would not hurt you one little bit tonight. I hope your mom and friend will be ok, and those poor...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/26

    Morning Maniacs! Cardio day for me too! Did CLX Burn It Off and then did CLX Recharge. Have a super busy day at work today, but I'm off tomorrow, yeah! I'm in charge of a wedding shower on Saturday, 50+ people! Yikes! Can't wait til it's over. Char- Glad you are feeling better and I hope...
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    Hey Maniacs! Just finished CLX Push Circuit #2 and Turbo Jam Fat Blaster. Might go for a bike ride when dh gets home...if it doesn't rain. Been busy and haven't had much time to post. I think Suz left for Mexico today. Like we aren't jealous or anything! Later........
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    Hard core maniacs - Monday 2-23

    You won't see me out in 24 degree weather! Your tuna melt idea sounds mmmm good. I made some turkey lasagna yesterday for a change. I burnt it a little .......:rolleyes: Still eatable though.
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    Hard core maniacs - Monday 2-23

    It was up to 50 degrees this weekend so I was good to go. Mostly, I'm a whimp with the cold weather. I also have some nice warm biking clothes, so that helped. Today is still in the upper 40's, but rainy. Seems much colder and I want to bundle up in a blanket and drink hot things. You are being...
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    Hard core maniacs - Monday 2-23

    Morning Maniacs! Yesterday I did another 25+ mile bike ride (different route than my Saturday ride). Dh says I'm a natural on the road bike, says I'm fast and was surprised. I was too actually.:cool: It fits me perfectly and I hardly had to do any adjusting. This morning I did CLX Push Circuit...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Hotties Feb 21, 2009

    Morning Maniacs! Going to take my new bike for a test drive today. DH has a 25 mile route mapped out for me.:cool: Later and have a great weekend all!
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    Hardcore fitness mainiacs Fri the 20th

    Morning Maniacs! TGIF!!!!!!!!! Loves me a Friday!!!!!! Getting ready to do Cardio Coach #5. Should be fun! :cool: Need to clean up the land mines in the yard later. Carma have left a ton of...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/19

    My husband has been eating rice with some honey and milk, but this, with the jello and all, might be more tasty. I'll let you know if I try it.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/19

    Morning Maniacs! Today was CLX Push Circuit #2. I plan on taking Carma for a good long walk later today. Sposed to be up in the 40's...whooo hoo!:rolleyes: I copied this recipe on the womens page over at OAS website. Looked kind of good and a bit different from our norm boring foods. Eat it as...
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    The Play it again sports in my area carry the Apollo brand. That is the brand that Lauren Brooke likes too.:) Good luck in finding some. I heard the wall-mart kind have an uncomfortable handle.
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    Hardcore fitness mainiacs Wednesday the 18th

    Patty- I just mentally released my mind of thinking I have to follow the rotation as written. I felt trapped in the rotation and needed to free myself. I can do any workout I want now without the guilt of failure. Yes, I'm crazy.:p I found these grips (muscle daddy power straps). Tell me what...
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    Hardcore fitness mainiacs Wednesday the 18th

    Morning Maniacs! Today will be a Cardio coach and CLX push circuit #2. Might do it later as I have a short work day and want a second cup of coffee.:p Ally- Cute avatar! That's one big doggie! Teddy, Debbie, Anne- You guys did rockin' workouts already!