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    The stepping learning curve

    I've been doing step workouts for six years and I STILL can't get some of the complex stuff - but then, I'm choreography challenged. I'd suggest trying more straightforward stuff - like the IMAXes - which have short, easy step sequences. Once you get the hang of those, it's a lot easier to do...
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    Kevin Smith/Southwest - whattaya think?

    Maybe they should just have a few larger seats on every plane. Instead of making people buy 2 seats or endure public humiliation. (I know, I know...the answer is: Money. But still).
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    Jillian Michaels Lawsuit

    I was thinking the exact same thing. I've read Jillian's "Making the Cut" (MTC) and I know she has always backed supplements as part of a kind of die-hard, last-minute "cutting" measure. She mentions ECA stacks in MTC - Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin, which is now illegal because it is a...
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    What Cathe w/o do you use your vibram five fingers for?

    "Afeet"! Hee! If it makes you feel any better...if you dropped the k'bell on your foot, even in sneakers, your foot would be totally doomed. I have dropped a kettlebell, but never on my foot. Judging from the giant divot in my carpet, I'd better keep a really good grip on that sucker if I...
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    What Cathe w/o do you use your vibram five fingers for?

    I just want to add that I'm the best kind of enabler - I'm doing stuff mostly barefoot, not with the FFs on, and you can try that out for free! I've always liked working out barefoot whenever possible - I got used to it during martial arts and yoga. I picked up some Fivefingers a couple...
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    What Cathe w/o do you use your vibram five fingers for?

    I haven't done a lot of step lately, but I have done it barefoot, and it's completely fine - although WOW are your calves and achilles tendons involved more than they are with shoes! I have a really nice thick yoga mat and I put the step on it - that way, when I step down, there's a little...
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    What Cathe w/o do you use your vibram five fingers for?

    I have some Classics and a pair of Sprints. I like them for outdoor running and walking. I've been doing all my indoor workouts barefoot and I really like it - I think my calves get a better workout without shoes, and I've been doing lots of lower body and kettlebell stuff and I seem to be...
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    Agave nectar

    Here's a link to another article discussing the safety of agave. Here and here you will find responses from the president of Madhava, one of the primary agave distributers. This has come up several times on a vegan forum I visit. I've decided that sugar is sugar is sugar, for the most part...
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    Steig Larsson fans

    Tricia, I love the TV series, too - I have kind of a thing for Robson Green :o. But the books are terrific - I ended up ordering a lot of them from Amazon UK or finding them at the library.
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    Valentine's Day Gifts for Boys?

    Hey all-- So...what're you getting for your husband/boyfriend/significant other for V-Day? We don't make a big deal out of it, but my SO got me a pretty nice present as a Valentine and I want to reciprocate. Something practical, something he might not think of for himself...I'm drawing...
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    Limecat's Monday Question hard to decide. Movies: Babe (yes, the one about the pig) Kill Bill (I can have volumes 1&2 on one DVD, right?) It Happened One Night CDs (wow is this ever hard): The Pixies, Surfer Rosa Amy Winehouse, Back to Black Tom Waits, Mule Variations Workouts (I'm going to...
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    Steig Larsson fans

    I was just thinking about her, too. I haven't really liked her last couple (What Came Before He Shot Her, Careless in Red) but I absolutely think Barbara Havers is one of the best-written female characters I've read. The first several Lynley/Havers books are among my faves of all time -...
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    Steig Larsson fans

    Yeah, the books are creepy, but the TV show definitely amped up the creepiness to the max! I found several themes in the books very disturbing, but keep in mind that only a few episodes of the TV series are actually based on books - and the shows have only a fraction of the character development...
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    Steig Larsson fans

    I KNOW. I just finished "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" and "The Girl Who Played With Fire," and I'm seriously in mourning for Larsson. Really strong and interesting female characters are so hard to come by, not to mention really good mystery novels. I love her intelligence and independence -...
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    The Happy Story Thread

    Well, it's not really a single specific event, but today was awesome. We're socked in under about almost three feet of snow. Everyone in the neighborhood was outside shoveling out their cars, sidewalks, and stairwells all day. My SO and I decided to walk over to the grocery store. We found...
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    The Orangutan and the Hound

    I love it! I liked the way the orang walked the dog around on leash while he rolled all over the place. I sometimes feel like that on walks - except I'm the dog and my dogs are more like the orang...
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    Foods you're too scared to try?

    Oh yes - Tofutti Cuties! SOOOOOO wonderful. The key lime flavor is a big favorite around here, followed by the chocolate-peanut butter. Like the other vegans, I find that there are not many foods from plants that are gross. Although I am wary of Kimchi. My advisor used to eat it ALL THE TIME...
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    Help my dog won't walk!

    Cynthia - Greta and Afreet DEFINITELY had a rebellious phase. They ate books, forgot how to walk politely on leash, and generally acted like a mob of unruly teenagers. There was one especially memorable occasion when they were staying with my parents (I was working out of town). My dad had...
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    Foods you're too scared to try?

    Well, there are definitely food "nos" on my list, but I have to step in on behalf of the soy ice cream - there are several varieties that are delicious! And coconut milk ice cream is incredible!
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    Help my dog won't walk!

    Janie, I sent you a PM. I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here. Just keep your training sessions fun, consistent, and positive. Set aside training time and remember - he won't really be all grown up for about a year or so, so he's really in his formative years right now. Be kind and...