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    K'bell/AOS Workout Question

    Well, I just downloaded the Diva workout. I'll post details as soon as I've previewed or tried it out. So far, the download went really smoothly. Curse this kettlebell addiction!
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    K'bell/AOS Workout Question

    As if there haven't been enough kettlebell threads lately... :D I'm having a blast with my kettlebells right now and I want some more workouts. I have all the AOS DVDs and both of Lauren's DVDs. I was just looking at the downloadable workouts over at Art of Strength and wondered if anyone...
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    I'm addicted to House!!

    I KNOW. He's so BAD ;). I think he probably appeals to ladies who are drawn to the unattainable & probably-bad-for-you tortured-genius-type. I count myself among them. My SO is more of a sweetie-pie Wilson type, but I still enjoy the bad boys...from afar.
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    I'm addicted to House!!

    Complete agreement here. I think that relationship is one of the weakest things on the show, after the relationship between 13/Hadley and Foreman, which may stand for all eternity as the TV character pairing with the least chemistry ever. EVER. I couldn't WAIT for the Hadley/Foreman episodes to...
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    Five Fingers Shoes by Vibram

    I have been running in Vibram FFs and/or New Balance WMT 100s (a very minimal trail shoe). My advice: TAKE IT SLOW. I still haven't gotten to the point where I can run the same mileage I could in standard running shoes in my VFFs, and I started incorporating some barefoot training last year...
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    Can't get back into the swing

    This happens to me all the time. I'll be all set to work out. I'll get my water and my gum and pop in a DVD and in three minutes I realize I'm just not feeling it and CANNOT POSSIBLY make it through the w/o. I figure I'm just bored! Sometimes, if I've been working out indoors a lot, I just...
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    A Little Humor for Monday

    The Chihuahua in the bike basket almost made me die of cute.
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    Bare feet

    I do all my indoor workouts barefoot - I have carpet and a thin rubbery mat in my workout space, so I don't need the extra grippiness the Vibram FFs provide. I do HiiT barefoot. The key is, whether you're in shoes or barefoot or in FFs or whatever, to land carefully. Barefoot, I really focus...
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    Bare feet

    I've been doing all my cardio (step, kickboxing, running, kettlebells, etc) either barefoot or in Fivefingers for several months and I'm fine. I kind of eased into it to give my feet a little time to adjust. No more knee issues, and I like feeling liberated from shoes!
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    Don't Pet My Dog!

    Janie, when you are working with George, do you invoke your inner drill sergeant? When I was training my dogs, or working with shelter dogs or whatever, I got lots of advice. I knew what to say, what equipment to try, what books to read, how to use hand signals, how to think about my dogs...
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    Don't Pet My Dog!

    Oh, I so totally feel everyone's pain. Usually the ultra-intense volley of super-terrier-terror barking my dogs generate when approached by small children is too horrifying even for most adults to endure. One minute they look like little adorable stuffed animals and everyone wants to hug...
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    Does anyone know how to stop a Parakeet from gettin' horny?

    Get a male parakeet? :) Just kidding! I think all our pets must be sexually frustrated if they don't get to reproduce. I don't mean to suggest we should all stop spaying/neutering/otherwise preventing unwanted baby pets, I just figure it's the price pets pay for the security of a home and...
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    Bicycle crunches

    If I don't feel like doing bicycles, I substitute those pilates single-leg stretch thingies. It's a good way of working the lower abs while protecting the back. Plus, you can work with your legs higher at first, getting lower as you get stronger, so eventually you should be able to do bicycles...
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    Relationship question

    My SO and I moved in together after 2 months of dating, and now we've been (happily) together for about 3 years and are getting married this spring. We definitely picked up some negativity, or at least uncertainty, from our families, but as previous posters have said...when you know, you know.
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    memory foam mattress toppers

    We have a 3" topper we bought at Target. We put the normal fitted mattress pad over it to help keep it in place. It definitely makes bed feel a little warmer, but that's OK for now - we save a little $$ on heating. At first, it felt like I was sinking into a giant hole every night, but...
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    Vegetarian Information

    In terms of meaningful action beyond eschewing eating or using animals, there are lots of things you can do. At work, I always volunteer to bring food to potlucks and parties. It's always vegan, of course, but I don't make a big deal out of it. I share recipes when asked, which actually...
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    Vegetarian Information

    Ha! Excellent. This forum is already 3000% more fun than the stupid Vibram forum. I think I'll take out my aggression on that forum by going out and...not killing anything.
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    Vegetarian Information

    I don't suppose I could sell you on some tofu mignon? :p
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    Vegetarian Information

    OK, so I'm a total, full-steam ahead crazy vegan, but I am also tired of the perpetual conflicts that seem to arise between vegans and omnis. It seems counterproductive to me. I try to be a good "vegan ambassador" and so please ask as many questions as you like and don't worry about offending...
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    Carnie Wilson annoys me

    My annoyance is tempered (a little) with understanding: I also would like to sit around eating muffins, at least sometimes. HOWEVER. I don't sit around eating muffins, or whining about the absence of muffin-eating lazy time, because I want to be healthy, fit and active. I'd be fine with...