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  1. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Clarrissa, stop it! This is fun, plain and simple. With mustard and ketchup. You are reading this much too deeply. Not all posts are directed at ANYBODY!!!!! and nobody needs to be hurt or offended, unless, of course they choose too be! Anyone can join in and discuss the weiner or deli meat of...
  2. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Oh.My.Gosh. I've been too busy and the internet was down here at work, so I haven't had a chance to log onto until now. I can't believe you pervs have kept this thread going for another day. And I'm so offended by the weiner cartoons and pictures. Have I told you all lately that I...
  3. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    I am relieved that there are still so many offensive people posting on the OD forum.
  4. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Chastity, I was too busy PMing sparrow about the interweiniention to PM you.
  5. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    sparrow, only if you take funyums into the room with the pigs.... Gayle, sometimes my kids are brats... Now I forget who I'm supposed to PM and who I'm not supposed to PM. Can someone PM me the list?
  6. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Melissa, I will NOT be PMing you. I do NOT want my feelings hurt.:( Worknprogress, are we talking cocktail weinies or full size dogs? Maybe we should ask SMN to change the star rating to a G,PG, or R rating.:rolleyes:
  7. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Melissa, I could PM you if it would make your Monday brighter. Deli-meat? I was on a forum not too long ago where we discussed cocktail weinies. We all decided they were too small to be considered meat.;)
  8. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Beavs, do you mean you are late for this thread, or that you are late for a party last evening(PM)? Because you are really late if it is the latter. Ha, you are late for the latter. Later PM-gals (won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight?) And a big thank you to those who...
  9. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Ah, go for it Afreet. (What is an Afreet? I sounds like a cure for Athlete's Foot - I hope that doesn't offend you. PM me if it does.)
  10. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Can you feel the PM love? :D
  11. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    I'm suffering from PPMS - Post P M Syndrome! (I hope no one is offended)
  12. buffettgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    I PMed you. ;)
  13. buffettgirl

    The problem with America...

  14. buffettgirl

    The problem with America...

    “We can't all, and some just don't. That's all there is to it.” A.A. Milne
  15. buffettgirl

    The problem with America...

    Thanks Stephanie. How is your little one? Yikes, not so little anymore?
  16. buffettgirl

    The problem with America...

    Maybe I can find a quote about how to eliminate people without a sense of humor. I have a son with Prader Willi Syndrome. I lost a grandson who only had half a brain last December. If anyone is allowed to try to light things up, it's me. Sheesh.:confused:
  17. buffettgirl

    The problem with America...

    Bwahahahaha!! Good one.
  18. buffettgirl

    Thinking of getting a cat . . .

    Amy, aren't Pooh, Piglet and the rest of crew brilliant?
  19. buffettgirl

    Thinking of getting a cat . . .

    AJ, that's how I feel about a dog. Every few months or so I think it's time we finally get a dog, something DH and I thought we'd have 30 years ago when we first got married. Then I remember the walking in rain or snow, the dirty feet on hardwood floors, the problem with boarding when traveling...
  20. buffettgirl

    The problem with America...

    But what about poor Marie C?