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  1. morningstar

    Rent or own?

    Perhaps I should clarify further. By future fitness, I meant way in the future- like 90 years old. Strength training, in all its aspects, has been shown to be tremendously helpful in allowing senior citizens to maintain mobility and continue to be active. The fact that it increases bone...
  2. morningstar

    Rent or own?

    Okay guys, this was meant to be a fun way to say that building your muscles in various ways gives you something to draw on for the future-it gives you strength and physical benefits that will stand you in good stead for the long haul. HiiT builds your fast twitch muscles, plyo builds your leg...
  3. morningstar

    Rent or own?

    Ah, Clare, my little ray of sunshine! How I've missed you!
  4. morningstar

    Rent or own?

    Rental payment = steady state cardio Mortage payment = resistance training, HiiT, plyometrics
  5. morningstar

    Jim Maclaren died

    I know a lot of us do CardioCoach Press Play and will be mourning him. I'm sorry, folks.
  6. morningstar

    New Workouts - how long?

    Has it been said anywhere how long each of the new videos will be?
  7. morningstar

    if you could only keep one thing, what would it be?

    My running shoes. For actual equipment, 1 set of 20lb dumbbells.
  8. morningstar

    KCM 30 minutes kickbox--SO disappointed!

    Interestingly enough, I just ordered a bunch of Kelly Coffey Meyer's 30 minute workouts (that being all I have time for anymore), and did one for the first time a few minutes ago. Here's my review: I did Power Sculpt and it was fast and actually kind of fun, although at times I was a bit...
  9. morningstar

    KCM 30 minutes kickbox--SO disappointed!

    CKBC? SZ? Amy? Enough with the acronyms and lack of last names already! :D
  10. morningstar

    KCM 30 minutes kickbox--SO disappointed!

    Which Laura are you agreeing with?
  11. morningstar

    KCM 30 minutes kickbox--SO disappointed!

    There are way too many Traceys and Tracys and Lauras in this thread. I can't keep track of everyone! Which Tracys are y'all referring to?
  12. morningstar

    Filming Begins Today

    I guess Cathe's workout's gonna be tougher than any of ours today!
  13. morningstar

    Question for all you runners

    So funny- I did it exactly backwards when I started running. I was using CardioCoach for speed-walking at the time, which I hated. So I started running the shorter intervals instead of walking them. I LOVED sprinting! So I did that for the first 6-8 months of running - pretty much nothing...
  14. morningstar

    "The Hub Workout" by - my trainer!

    I LOVE the idea of this workout! If you expand it to 11 exercises, that is 200 reps per exercise. Being me, I had to play with it and come up with my own somewhat expanded version of a HUB full body (with a strong lower body focus)- sorry, the format isn't great because of forum limitations...
  15. morningstar

    Should clean eating do this to me?

    This doesn't make me feel isolated at all. I tend to try to act as a good role model in these circumstances. I don't push what I do on anyone, but when you eat with people who eat healthier, you tend to eat healthier too. I know that sometimes people feel guilty eating crap, so I am sensitive...
  16. morningstar

    new ab dvd with Susan Bowen-Gorgeous Core

    Denise, while you seem devoted to Cathe, a great many of your threads seem to be about advertising other instructors new DVDs and telling us exactly where to find them. Do you work with a workout DVD sales company, like Collage Video or maybe Beachbody?
  17. morningstar

    Frustrated about my lack of measurable progress

    I don't think anyone has ever accused me of discouraging someone from walking before! I walked for 3.5 hours today and never told a single person on the street that they should be in a car. Steady state cardio burns calories while you are doing it, is excellent for your cardiovascular...
  18. morningstar

    I saw something at the gym last night I'd never seen before.....

    I'm with Vee. I must be masculine too, because I hate step - the choreography, the falling-off-the-step part, the falling-onto-the-step-part, the complete lack of room to use the step properly part, all of it. I will happily do knee repeaters 'til the cows come home, but that's about my limit.
  19. morningstar

    Egg Recall Due to Salmonella

    Hmmm, I think most raw eggs have some salmonella, especially those from "modern" egg-producing factories. I guess these had more than the usual amount. You really do have to be very careful with raw eggs- cleaning surfaces that they have touched really well, not eating eggs raw, etc.
  20. morningstar

    Frustrated about my lack of measurable progress

    Clare, I didn't say that cardio didn't burn calories, I said it doesn't do much to grow your metabolism. Of course cardio burns calories; it just doesn't do much to keep burning extra calories after the workout's over.