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  1. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Hi Michelle! I will have to try Gayle's soup next. The portion size I came to w/ this soup w/ 1 cup. It was 6-servings, and I divided them up. Gayle, where are you...we need you...LOL :) I am trying to learn to love to cook. I am not very good in the kitchen, but I can learn...
  2. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Hi Ladies~ Susan~ I think your meals look good! Finished up the soup. Doesn't taste all that bad, but could be better! :) Next time I need to spice it up a bit more. And I messed up and didn't use w/w pasta...oh well, next time will be better! "Today is a Gift, Have Fun"...
  3. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Hi Everyone~ Back from the store, and cooking up a soup recipe I found on; Here's the recipe just in case, hope it turns out good. I didn't get the chillies or- the groundcumin/corriander. I just king of spiced it up to my liking. I did add 2-more cups of water, and another...
  4. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Good Morning, Ladies~ It's Sunday & I'm still lazy as ever...LOL Gayle~ Wow, how do you do it. Tons of boys running around, I think I would go nuts .. :) LOL Sounds like you are ready to go for C2.. I need to get my butt in gear! Michelle~ Ok, I'm ready...LET'S DO THIS...
  5. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Weekend

    Hi Ladies~ :) Being lazy today (what else is new, LOL). Dropped my DD off w/ her Dad for the of right now she is planning on coming home on New Years Day! Why is it when she is here I need a vacation from kids (even though I have my DS's)...I do miss her, she is my right...
  6. Fitness-Mom

    BFL FRIDAY.....New Year is approaching

    Hi Gayle, & Everyone!!!! :) Sorry I have been missing in action most of the's been crazy around the house w/ being off of work and the kids home. My eating has been horrible :( And, I seen my share of the mall way too much this week :) Back on track next week though. Hi to...
  7. Fitness-Mom

    BFL 12/25 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS LADIES ~~ :):):) Heidi~ Merry Christmas! :) Sorry to hear about your DH, I am glad he is feeling better! Have a great workout today!! :) Not doing much today, relaxing and visiting w/ family later today. My DS is going to his GF's to visit and have dinner. Seems...
  8. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....Christmas Eve

    Just a quick idea. Do you think it will help to log our daily meals for everyone to see? I know this will help me with ideas...what do you think? "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~
  9. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....Christmas Eve

    Hi Ladies~ MERRY XMAS EVE!!! :) Getting ready to leave work...have to pick up a few things at the grocery store, and then take my DS to his GF's for dinner tonight. I am hoping to make 4:30 mass tonight, but if not their is always a 7:30 one tonight. My problem right now is, is...
  10. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....weekend edition!!!!!!!!

    Hi Ladies~ Gayle~ CONGRATS!! Your final pictures look AWESOME!! I am so proud of are such a inspiration!! Seriously, I don't know what happened to me :( I did so well up to W6 and ever since then failed :( I feel so depressed, I guess b/c of the holidays! I need to stop...
  11. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....weekend edition!!!!!!!!

    Hi Ladies~ GO GAYLE!!!! WOOHOO :):) ENJOY YOUR FREE DAY TOMORROW! You starting right back on C2 Monday morning? Colleen~ I'm sorry to hear you pulled your back out again. I would get to the doctors. I am so sorry to hear about your dog :( Heidi~ Men don't listen do they!! LOL...
  12. Fitness-Mom

    BFL FFFFFFinally FFFFFriday!!!!

    TGIF Ladies ~ :) Gayle~ YAY!! Coming down the home stretch, 1 more workout to go! Can't wait to see those final pics! :) Would you mind emailing me a copy of the recipes? My work email is; [email protected] Heidi~ HAPPY, HAPPY B-DAY! :):):) Doing anything fun...
  13. Fitness-Mom

    BFL Thurs. December 20th...Is it Friday yet??????

    G'Morning Heidi :) More snow, WOW! I wish we would finally get something around here. I'm surprised they don't cancel your schools...we can have very little snow, and we are closed for the day! Didn't get my workout in last night. By the time I got home last night it was after 7..and...
  14. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....Wednesday 12/19

    Hi Gayle~ sounds like you have a good plan. I know me, I would probably eat like a pig and ruin all the work I put into it. Do you think it's too much to do cardio 5- days a week w/ the BBC rotation? How did you do it? Tonight after the party is BBC Chest/Abs. I'm not sure If I...
  15. Fitness-Mom

    BFL.....Wednesday 12/19

    Good Morning, Ladies :) Today is our office Xmas Party :) I decided I am not going to deny myself, and enjoy the evening...If something looks good I am going to eat it :) I plan on keeping my entire day clean, and this way it will only be 1-free meal if I decide to. I would really love to...
  16. Fitness-Mom

    Body For Life (BFL) Tuesday

    Thanks Michelle! You are the best! I am going to have a talk with him later on tonight. I know it's especially tough on him b/c he has been supporting my 2-kids, while their Dad hasn't done a thing to help in the past few years! I should of never let him get away with it as long as I...
  17. Fitness-Mom

    Body For Life (BFL) Tuesday

    Hi Michelle~ Oh, that's a toughie. I am so not a morning person. I can hardly get myself out of bed by 6 a.m. to get ready for work. Then I have to drag 2- teenagers out of bed, NOT FUN :) Gayle~ LOL, I have to agree 6:45 a.m. is NOT sleeping in! Sleeping in to me is 9-10a.m. :)...
  18. Fitness-Mom

    Body For Life (BFL) Tuesday

    Good Morning, Ladies~ :) Sorry I didn't make it back on last night, but with the kids and BF on their computers I'm lucky to get a chance...LOL BBC Arms/Abs last night. Feeling slight DOMS today :) Tonight is BBC Legs/Cardio! Tomorrow is our Xmas party here at work....I plan on...
  19. Fitness-Mom

    I think I'm giving up on jeans.

    I recently heard on the You go and input all your measurements and they tell you exactly what clothing would fit you perfectly. I guess it's alot like I haven't checked it out yet, but it sounds good..:) "Today is a Gift, Have Fun" ~Jennifer~...
  20. Fitness-Mom

    BFL, is it really Monday????

    Hi Ladies~ I'm here...just a busy Monday morning :( I wish I slept in!! LOL :) Just got off the phone w/ my Ex's GF, she is mailing a support payment out today. I'm just curious to see what the cheap b*stard is going to send! I shouldn't be like that, but he hasn't supplied for them...