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  1. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge 5-1

    RE: good morning good morning good morning got the yoga in early - check...and I feel pretty good about it. to work! Keith
  2. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge 4-30

    RE: RE Hey guys! It's great to see you all here! Chris...don't let them give you any grief, brother. DEMAND satisfaction!! I'm with you on this one...vent all you like. I've got a day of driving tomorrow - so I'll have to get an early start...I'll see you all in the AM Keith PS...I know a...
  3. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge 4-30

    Good morning gents! So...a frost advisory in Virginia (enough already!!) Today's episode of c90x is pretty much all "c" I'm starting with Pyramid lower and if I feel I'm up to it...a little cardio to round things out. Let's bring our A game today, guys!! Keith
  4. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-29

    RE: Hey guys - I'm all in...crushed IMAX III and Coremax #2. I'll be taking on pyramid lower tomorrow - one of my favorites! Chris, take it easy with that back, brother - and Jerry - have a great class. Until tomorrow!! Keith
  5. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-29

    Good morning gents Today is an IMAX III day followed by Coremax workout #2. I'm not getting to it until later, I'll check back in the afternoon. I hope all is well with everyone! Keith
  6. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge

    RE: hey guys - so...I haven't done the Pyramid series in a while and MAN, I forgot how hard it can be if you really push the weight. By the bicep arms were screaming!! I'll see you all tomorrow Keith
  7. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge

    Greetings gents - I trust you all are well and ready to bring your A game today. I'm off to do pyramid upper and a little cardio to round things off. Talk to you all later, Keith
  8. m keith

    "any guy out there" challenge 4-27

    RE: Hey Brad! Welcome to the "guys" thread. Keep at it...we'll hold you accountable. See you tomorrow! Keith
  9. m keith

    "any guy out there" challenge 4-27

    RE: Hey guys - I'm saving the Amy Bento dvds for next week. My wife just did the slo mo rotation over the last few days and she says its pretty killer stuff. I can't wait.... Anyway - today I did a 65 minute interval run (cardio coach - press play) and Cathe's Coremax 1. I'm pretty sure I'll...
  10. m keith

    "any guy out there" challenge 4-27

    Good morning gents and happy Sunday Doing a long interval run today followed by coremax #1 I hope all is well with everyone..I'll be checking back later Keith
  11. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge 4-26

    RE: hey guys! All in for the day...mission accomplished. I worked out (both) AND mowed the lawn - finally. See you all tomorrow keith
  12. m keith

    "any guys out there?" challenge 4-26

    Good morning gents. I see a couple of you are heading to the road trip in July! I'm sorry I'll miss you...Coni and I are trying for the August trip. Had a crazy travel day yesterday so I had to do a little rearranging. So..yesterday became my day of rest and today the game face is on! Next...
  13. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-25

    Good morning gents, Jerry - take it easy with that back brother...I don't want to see you out of commission! I'm out of town this morning but will be heading home by mid-afternoon - I'll check back in then. Oh, I didn't get to the lawn yesterday, so I suppose I will have to add that in too...
  14. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-24

    RE: Hey Chris - I hope you enjoy your weekend!! So - I'm in for some Yoga today...about 90 minutes worth. Maybe it will take the edge off a little. Then....maybe, just maybe, I'll mow the lawn. That counts, right? Keep at it my brothers. Keith
  15. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-23

    RE: Whatever works, Jerry...right? So - I knocked it out today - total body + and 47 minutes of Ab hits See you all tomorrow Keith
  16. m keith

    "any guys out there" challenge 4-23

    Good morning gents - C90X for today...P90x+ total body + and as many of Cathe's ab hits as I can do. Keith