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  1. W

    Xers Today is Tuesday!!!

    Debra - Well good morning. Ouch on the going to bed late. Hope you get some catch up time today. Have fun with the hair. Traci - Ummmmm.......not know I was Mia? Oh, that must have been Stacy I was talking to instead. Sandra - The whole Mia thing came from me pmsing or perimenopausal...
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    Xers Today is Tuesday!!!

    Wendy!! So glad to see you up so early. Good job on the late night workout. You sound so busy as always. I absolutely love Anthony Bourdain. Our friends entered a video to be on the show. If you have a chance give their video a five star rating. Their video is "Here is Boston". Hope you don't...
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    Xers.......Moving forward Monday..........

    Looks left, looks right, lurks on by..................}(
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    Xers.......Moving forward Monday..........

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    Xers.......Moving forward Monday..........

    Hey there gang. How is everyone? I see that Jeanette has been sick. Sorry Jeanette. I hope that you feel better today. I also saw that Stacy poked her pretty little head out}( and that Wendy was a little upset the other day. Debra is stressed with good reason and Sandra stayed in bed instead of...
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    Xers....What's your soup? Thursday

    Good morning. Today is walk on the treadmill with Rodney Yee's yoga abs. I haven't done that one in a long time and it looks like a good one. Yesterday was busy. The boys did ride their bikes home from school yesterday. I have been keeping them so busy this week that I think by Friday, we are...
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    X-XX-XXXers: Wild & Wicked Wednesday

    Wendy - I hope that your mom is all right. Please keep us updated. Nicole - I hope that you are feeling better today. Lea
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    X-XX-XXXers: Wild & Wicked Wednesday

    Ok ladies, don't be hatin!!! I only spewed that number out because according to the chart, it is underweight and maybe one of the reasons that I keep getting sick. So it is an eye opener. And yes, I am not completely raw anymore, though I do incorporate some of the raw food into my way of...
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    Xers::: Rockin' Out on Tuesday ;-)

    Eh now Miss Wendy, I don't think you have room to talk:P !!!! Your pictures are so adorable by the way. Lea
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    Xers::: Rockin' Out on Tuesday ;-)

    Traci - Whew!!!! is 16%? Is that bad? Lea
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    Xers::: Rockin' Out on Tuesday ;-)

    Hello. Howz it going out there today? No workout for me since I woke up late and today is a busy busy day. But I am so sore from yesterday. After walking and doing pilates, I thought it was a brilliant idea to walk to pick up my DS from school. It's only a 1/2 hour walk there and 1/2 hour walk...
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    Xers:: Magnify Monday

    Good morning everyone. Feeling a little better today. I was able to do 1/2 hour walk on the treadmill and pilates. I have to say that I am really impressed with Kristin McGee. I borrowed a relatives pilates dvd called MTV pilates, and for some reason I thought it was going to be a joke. What do...
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    Xers - "O" what a Lovely Thursday!

    RE: Xers - Good morning. Looks like everyone has been having some fun around here, or are you guys just dreaming?(Except for Debra);) No workouts for me lately, I have been sick with bronchitis. It has been joyous. I finally feel good enough to sit at this darn computer, but will probably...
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    Xers I Am Woman... Wednesday

    I'm with Kim;-) . Lea
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    Xers: Suggestive;-) Sunday....

    Hi, just popping in. Sandra- You truly are a gifted person in making those cakes. Tinkerbell looks too good to eat. Traci - Love the workout room! Thank goodness those mirrors are hung. Good for you. Lea
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    Xers: Suggestive;-) Sunday....

    Good morning everyone. Happy Sunday. I caught someone's cold. I was in bed all day yesterday and after three days of having no voice I finally got it back yesterday. Today I woke up hoping that I would feel better. I thought hmmm...maybe some yoga would help with my, shall I say, with my phlegm...
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    Xers * Luv* Ya'll Thursday

    Hi there girls. Back or some quick personals, then back to picking up the place so that we can get our house cleaned tomorrow. YAY!! Traci – Where do you find a man who cleans the house? Maybe that would be a good business. Male maids only and yes they do have to wear some sort of revealing...
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    Xers * Luv* Ya'll Thursday

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. I hope that you all get the love that you need and/or want. I think I am skipping the workout today, but if I do workout, it will be yoga. Traci - You are so funny. I am NOT the quiet seductress. I might of thought I was at one time, but not now. But no...
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    Xers Making It Work Wednesday

    Hi there. Just finished up with Eion. It felt good after tweaking my back a little from the dern abs yesterday. Silly me. I watched a video on You Tube of these people doing Ashtanga Yoga. They were so graceful. Instead of plopping back into pushup position, they were so in control that I don't...
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    Xers: Feels Like the Old Days... Tuesday

    Hi. I am back with personals too. That means older DS stayed home today. I might have to make a doctors appointment today. Oh the fun never ends, does it girls?? Traci – Congrats on waking up early. I am glad that Wendell’s cell phone was there for an alarm clock!! BTW, I thought that you...