Search results

  1. L

    ipod shuffle and cc's or itrain

    I just got cc8 last week (my first one!) and loved it. I have an ipod shuffle and want to know if anyone else uses one for cardio. I have my music on it that I use religously when on the's so compact and clips right on my jogbra. My question is this, if I want to get more cc's...
  2. L

    strike zone or in the ring?

    Hi all, Just wondering seeing as alot of you have done srtike zone already with mixed reviews, I am thinking of getting that or Amy's In the Ring...which is a better workout? Aggie
  3. L

    Would you? Could you?

    I definately would!!! I live in Canada and have a lululemon store in the closest mall. I can't go shopping without going in that store. I love my lulu pants, wear them all the time. They fit amazing, wash well and last a long time. I also have a jog bra, not so $$$ (40$), and 2 hoodies...
  4. L

    Anybody you think you can dance?

    love,love, love this show, I always look forward to it starting...great summer t.v. It always amazes me, the talent is unbelievable and I always wish that I could dance like that. I liked Raven (the girl voted out) too but i guess someone has to go, and as long as the no air couple, the...
  5. L

    Vent - When will my house sell???

    I here you guys, We've had our house up since Oct.' feels like an eternity and I just want to get it done!!!! Houses seem to be selling in my area and getting close to their asking price and I know we are not overpriced and keep getting comments on how nice our house what's the...
  6. L

    Treadmill advice - Pacemaster Gold Fold or others...

    I have the pacemaster gold elite (but it doesn't fold) and I absolutely love it. It definatlely does everything you could want. I've had it a little over a year and use it about 6 days a week and my husband uses it about 3-4 days. It's a great treadmill! Good luck, Aggie
  7. L

    which itread?

    Hi everyone, I would like to get some itread treadmill workouts but don't know which ones to get. Which ones do all of you love? thanks, Aggie
  8. L

    help me decide

    Hi everyone, I need help to finally decide what to's taking me forever so anyone that could shed some light would be very appreciated! I consider myself a intermediate/advanced exerciser and am interested in 4ds, dm, bm2, b&g and also p90x. I would eventually get them all but i...
  9. L

    need opinions!

    hi everyone, first time on this forum! I need some suggestions please. I am really interested in cathe dvd's particularly 4ds, b&g,dm and bodymax2...(sts as well but will wait for xmas). I am also thinking of p90x. Here's the thing... I have weights ranging from 3 to 20 pounds, a bodybar...