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  1. L

    Who's tried Bento's new workouts?

    I should be getting mine today. Any idea when the Ring workout is coming out? I was hoping they'd be sent together.
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    Kimbely Spreen

    I have Cardio Camp and I like to do it on days when I want a solid intermediate workout. Her cueing is perfect (which is getting rare these days) and she doesn't have any annoying habits that wear thin after several workouts. I hope she makes more vids in the future.
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    I just built a free standing ballet bar!

    Hey, if you think of it, could you download a picture of your barre in your picturetrail? Then I can see what you did. TIA!
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    I don't have Fluidity, but I have all the other barre workouts and whenever they do upper body they always do pushups first, then tricep dips. I know even Cathe likes to exercise opposing muscle groups in some of her workouts, so this could be following the same concept. That said, I don't...
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    I am SUCH a wuss -- RTTC

    Shoulders are my weak area, although I can do overhead presses with heavy dumbbells as long as the reps are low. Hi rep/low weight shoulder work always slays me and I have never been able to complete any of Jari's workouts (except for the original Ripped) without begging for mercy during the...
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    I just built a free standing ballet bar!

    Great idea! I'll have to mention this to DH. I want a bar but don't want to pay for Fluidity. The Fluidity bar is expensive and I don't want the workouts. Right now I'm using a heavy high backed chair, but it sometimes tips on me. I love my barre workouts. For my lower body I'm currently...
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    What is the best/quickest way to get definition in arms?

    Yes, protein is an important factor in muscle development. I upped my protein servings to 5 a day, having protein with every meal and snack, when I did the X.
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    Charlene Johnson's "Get on the Ball" workouts

    RE: Charlene Johnson's These workouts never really hit it off with a lot of TJ fans. I heard they weren't as good as her straight cardio workouts, so I never bothered getting them.
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    jari love

    ME and Power Hour are the closest to a Jari workout. Of the two, ME has less of a dread factor.
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    What is the best/quickest way to get definition in arms?

    For vids it was Gym Styles and P90X. With the X I saw incredible muscle definition in a little over a month. I think it was because of all those pushups and pull ups. Cutting back on cardio helped too.
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    This is probably TMI--flatulence question

    Well, I guess I should be thankful they don't allow smoking on planes! Did I forget to mention that high altitude gives me gas???:o :o :o
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    This is probably TMI--flatulence question

    The only time I have a problem is when I eat anything by Kashi. I don't know what they put in that cereal but don't light a match next to me if I've had a bowl!
  13. L

    What other dvds are people using?

    I have over 200 workouts and do just about everyone. Aside from Cathe the ones I reach for often are Beachbody's Turbo Jam, P90X, Slim Series, and the Masters. I'm currently doing a P90 Masters rotation. I also love Barry's Bootcamp, Jari's workouts, Amy's, and I just preordered a couple of...
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    I got to see Hillary!

    Back to the subject, I wouldn't trust Hillary as far as I could throw her. She's only in it for herself, and Bill just wants to get back into the White House so he can relieve his glory days! As far as socialized medicine is concerned, our government can't run the VA hospitals, what makes...
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    Atmosphere for yoga

    I work out in my P90X style basement, which is not relaxing at all, so I do yoga in my bedroom. It's the only place where I can go in the evening and not be interrupted. I keep the lights dimmed and occasionally light a candle. Pure heaven!
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    clean eating and supplements

    I'm curious about the flaxseed too. I buy the seeds, grind them in small amounts and store the leftover in the freezer. I would think the fresh ground flaxseed adds fiber, and is less likely to spoil.
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    Who is your favorite Cathe Crew Member

    Cedie is like an old friend. I've been watching her since the Wedding workout, so she's my fave. If I had to chose a body type it would have to be Jai. She's built like me. The other gals look to be more apple shaped.
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    Abs Diet

    I get better results when I keep my cardio at 30 min., but I have to make it pretty intense. Short, intense cardio and heavy weights are key for me.
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    I'm sorry you're going through this. Nan pretty much covered everything and I wanted to second her advice about seeing if you can borrow from a relative, if possible. Not only will bad credit effect cc rates and insurance, but many companies now check credit histories on prospective employees...
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    Turbo Jam?

    I love my Turbo Jams. I bought the advanced set and didn't have any problems learning the moves. My favorites are Cardio Party 2 and KPJ. I also recommend getting the weighted gloves if you're used to kickboxing, or are an advanced exerciser, as they do take it to another level. TJ is so...