Search results

  1. My2girls

    Paging SRP, My2girls, NinjaMom, & ShyWolf!!!!!

    Thanks Michele! After the CC forums were taken down I thought about getting Tanya to just come over to and post, so we could keep in touch!!! I see I wasn't the only one thinking that ;) Tanya! I really miss checking in with you and finding out how life in Australia is ;) I am...
  2. My2girls

    Coconut Oil

    I have started "pulling" with coconut oil each morning and using it on my face. A friend told me about someone she met who uses it to rinse her mouth out with (you can google "oil pulling" ) and I thought Why Not! I am not sure if it is really doing any good yet, but my mouth does feel good...
  3. My2girls

    Lemon Cake

    WOW, these sound so good! I might have to try these recipes out too! :p
  4. My2girls

    race for cure this weekend

    Congratulations Robin and way to go on your first race!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
  5. My2girls

    Why are unemployed people getting $250 of my money??

    Thank you for that!! :D
  6. My2girls


    Happy Birthday Michele!!!! I hope your day is wonderful and you get to be Queen of the Day! :D xoxo
  7. My2girls

    Good luck this weekend/Monday..Ellie & Family!!

    I will be praying for your family Ellie. I cannot wait to hear your report back and I pray it will be wonderful news for your son and your family!
  8. My2girls

    Good time to clean out the cupboards

    Got my bag in my mailbox today! Good reminder :)
  9. My2girls

    Happy 101st BDay to my Grand Pop!!!

    Cool Gayle! I remember a post a long time ago about a 100 y/o grandma/pa! Was that you and your Grand Pop then too?!?! :) I just marvel at how much longer we really can live! I'm just starting out if I live to 101! :eek: Happy Birthday to your Grand Pop!
  10. My2girls

    Edamame ) :

    I won't buy the ones still in the pod. I buy them frozen and shelled, then add them to my salads! :)
  11. My2girls

    Age ain't got nuthin to do with it!!!

    Robin -- I am so happy for you too! You are a remarkable woman!! And as far as ice cream goes -- nothing beats Coffee!!!!! ;)
  12. My2girls

    husband appreciation thread

    My DH went out today and bought new wood flooring to replace our nasty dining room carpet (bought the house with it :confused: -- must not have had kids!) and will stay home this weekend, while I go to the beach with my 2 DDs and sister, to install it!!! :D:D:D:D How cool is that?! :) Oh yea -...
  13. My2girls

    Getting Back in the Game - Tuesday!

    Is anyone out there? Hello!!!!!????? :p If you are -- Happy Tuesday! I've just been super duper busy and my Dh hasn't been working much and we got a new computer last week, sooooo he has been on it :rolleyes::rolleyes: I did my first Gym Styles this morning. I did back, shoulders and...
  14. My2girls

    Update on Belinda, bayerngirl

    Wow, what an ordeal! I am glad you are on the mend :)
  15. My2girls

    CC PP results!

    Mine is done also! I haven't checked in at Cathe for a few days so didn't know if a bonus challenge was picked, so I just did my own :p I did CCPP on my bike and added C1 and C5 from the CCPP workout (cannot remember the exact locations of those in the real workouts :confused:) It was a great...
  16. My2girls

    Any Baking Enthusiasts?

    I just have to second the recommended sites for all things Cooks Illustrated (America's Test Kitchen)!!! I love their sites, their magazines, their podcasts!!! I have learned sooo much from them in all areas of cooking, baking, storage, gadgets, machines etc.... :D:D Love them!
  17. My2girls

    Getting Back in the Game

    Woaaa!!!!!! Hold the phone!!!! :eek::eek: Where have I been? Robin, I missed you telling us you were in a race!!!! How cool. Is it a 5k? I am sure you will run faster than me :o Good luck. It sounds like you are getting some good runs in before hand, so you will be ready! You are one hot mama...
  18. My2girls

    Baby Shower Game/Prize Ideas????

    Don't forget about the melted candy bar in the diaper game!!! It is guaranteed to have the party laughing and gagging at the same time :D:D Nice chocolate bars, candles, maybe a movie gift certificate or coffee card are nice gifts. I think!
  19. My2girls

    Getting Back in the Game

    Good Morning Diane! (and others to come I hope!) Your wedding sounds neat; although the bride and groom might not have thought so! You sure go to a lot of weddings. I cannot imagine working and having a young one and getting regular workouts in all the time - just keep at it! I have not been...
  20. My2girls

    I need a happy dance!!!

    I wish I knew how to do all those great graphics to show a Happy Dancer!!! :) This is Wonderful news!