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  1. morningstar

    I had the strangest dream about this website last night...

    I dreamt that Cathe had sold her websites and forums to Gene Simmons! This dream went on a long time - it covered a lot of people posting wondering what had happened, where Cathe was, why she'd done this, very upset. Then it went into the realm of product testing for one of Gene's companies...
  2. morningstar

    Workout slump....

    Hi! Why do you think you are in the slump to begin with? Something I sometimes do when I'm not in the mood to work out: I trick myself into it. I say to myself, I don't have to work out, but I'll just get into the clothes in case I feel like it later. I don't have to work out, but I'll...
  3. morningstar

    Question about a Dr. Phil show

    Most therapist- at least the good ones- don't tell you how to live your life and what you are doing wrong. They help you come to your own realization over time what is working for you and what isn't. That is not what Dr. Phil does.
  4. morningstar

    Styles and Fads from Decades gone by

    I grew up in the 80s - Remember coloured jeans- like green and pink? And jeans with racing stripes down the side? And one long earring and one short earring. BIG shirts with leggings. Big shoulder pads on everything - especially on the Miami Vice blazers everyone wore. Tight jeans - but...
  5. morningstar

    Question about a Dr. Phil show

    May I ask why each of you watch Dr. Phil to begin with? I've always been curious about why people like that show and him. I'm not a big fan of people that build a career out of telling people they have the answers to all of life's problems and that everyone else is doing it wrong. It is so...
  6. morningstar

    FP-30 code will not work

    I just ordered High Reps and it wouldn't work for me, so I just assumed it wasn't part of the sale.
  7. morningstar

    Shovel Max workout for 29 states by Wed

    Since becoming a runner, I have a different relationship with snow. I've always loved shoveling snow, but never had to do it much. I used to absolutely love snow, and now I have mixed reactions. I love it coming down and running in the snow when it is coming down, but I hate running and even...
  8. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 24th - Jan 30th

    I've heard of those.... Do they have a good DVD?
  9. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 24th - Jan 30th

    Staring at the bottom of what used to be a glass of vanilla vodka on the rocks and feeling my leg muscles continue to rebel, I gotta say, if DOMS are your measure of the effectiveness of a workout, my Saturday workout ROCKED! Three days later, I'm still skipping a swim because my damn legs just...
  10. morningstar

    My Review: Patrick Goudeau's Lean Hot Body

    For those of us that have never heard of this guy or this workout, can you give the basics? What kind of workout is it? Is it straight cardio, strength, endurance, circuit, cardio/circuit, isolation, compound, uses heavy weights to achieve a cardio effect, etc? When you say he has creative...
  11. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 24th - Jan 30th

    Hey guys, Last night pretty heavy DOMS from Saturday's slow and heavy workout started to creep in. I had expected them, which is why I went running early on Sunday- I knew the DOMS wouldn't affect me until later in the day. By this morning, I was pretty stiff, so in keeping with shaking...
  12. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    Hey guys, I ran 7k Thursday and Friday, then did my own slow and heavy workout on Saturday - 90 minutes. Today I ran 13k. The hard part was the temperature - it is -19C (-2F) here, with a wind chill of -29C (-20F). Needless to say, I was the only runner out there this morning. I dressed...
  13. morningstar

    Dear God. Warning - very disturbing news story

    U.S. doc accused of murder in probe of abortion 'mill' The Associated Press Date: Thursday Jan. 20, 2011 1:55 PM ET PHILADELPHIA — A filthy abortion mill where prosecutors say babies were delivered alive and killed with scissors would have been shut down long ago if not for extraordinary...
  14. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    Okay, when I first read this, I said "I did what?" I just had no idea what you were talking about. Then I remembered the young man (I was actually walking to work, hence the confusion), although I didn't remember his name (damn, you have a great memory!) I do hope he's doing well. I still...
  15. morningstar

    Think you know your Microsoft?

    Wow- Laura, I've been tested many many times at Word, and have almost always achieved scores of 100%. I ROCK at Word. I scored 5 out of 15 on this test. I don't think this is a very accurate way of telling how well someone uses this program. As a matter of fact, I think someone might even...
  16. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    Donna, thank you so much for taking the time to write out all those playlists for me! I can tell we have similar tastes, as some of them are already on the playlist I'm building! "I got soul but I'm not a soldier..."
  17. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    Just got back from the jury summons- it turns out I was actually summoned for a single trial, not to be part of a pool. I waited all day, bored out of my mind, got moved from room to room to room to room, finally got up there, said 4 words (yes, first name, last name, no) and was dismissed. I...
  18. morningstar

    Early Risers??

    It doesn't really matter what time other people wake up to work out - it's your own circadian rhythym that you have to convince to change. How to do it? Just do it. Go to bed early (take a melatonin if you have to to reset your sleep cycle to the earlier time) and wake up early at the same...
  19. morningstar

    What's your motivation/matra?

    My mantras are both in my signature: I run for the woman I was. I run for the woman I am. I run for the woman I will be. DO IT ANYWAY
  20. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Jan 17th - Jan 23rd

    I actually CAN yell across two continents - and leap tall buildings in a single bound, while editing position papers, arranging large events and running the Boston Marathon - and winning, of course. Don't worry, my ego isn't actually as big as it must seem from recent posts. Or maybe it is...