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  1. W

    <----Bwaaaah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaah!

    <--tells Jes...hmmm, wondered if bella ate telephone over the w/!! <--tells Jes to call whenever she can:7 :7 <--wants to know what the Ren Fest is <--tells Jes she is not the only one obsessed with food:+
  2. W

    <----Bwaaaah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaah!

    <--is super hungry and can't wait for lunch too! <--is also very happy about this week's forecast:7 <--hoping <--can actually run outside today!! <--will try very hard not to fall into sugar induced coma since <--already did that yesterday and thinks that 2x in a row is just unforgivable (at...
  3. W

    <----Bwaaaah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaah!

    <--waves madly to Robin and tells her she is always welcome to any and all NJ GTGs!!! <--tells Robin loves New Hope too and wants to check out wineries next time...didn't get a chance for that this time...<--had dinner at the Logan Inn on Main and West Ferry Street that was so good <--thought...
  4. W

    <----Bwaaaah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaah!

    <--waves wildly to everyone in catheland as <-- tries to get up off the floor after having shiznit scared out of her by Wendy and Debbie! <--thinks she is awake now! <--can't believe it's monday already <--wants to be under the covers <--is proud of Rogue for quitting and hopes Rogue will be...
  5. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--was not kidding...there were so many desserts <-- could've gone into diabetic shock just looking at them all! Plus there was SO much food left over....<--thinks dept went overboard this year!! But so much fun!! <--thinks you guys will not believe this, but there is YET another party to go...
  6. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--can send one of 500 different desserts to Shelley if she'd like:7 <--hopes Shelley gets to leave early!! <--must swoosh back to party now <--glad to have taken a break with my biatches:7 :7
  7. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--in midst of crazy halloween party but had to take a break from the insanity of having people from 2 floors squished into one! <--so proud of herself for not going crazy on desserts....only tasted <--friend's dessert and a sliver of another and that's it!! <--cannot afford to bust out of...
  8. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--tells Wendy <-- can't wait to see her!! We better get ready for another marathon session, LOL!! Hmmm, can we beat our previous record of 6 hrs non stop yapping??!!}( :7 <--waves hello to Missy and is also very sad days are getting shorter <--is worried <-- may have to walk around with...
  9. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--waves madly at Emily and Becky and sends cyber hugs! <--happy Shelley has a fab new pair of jeans <--thinks it's awesome that Becky and Shelley are wearing each other's gifts today!! <--just got new Title 9 catalog and wants SOOOO much new stuff:o }(
  10. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--OMG Wendy is so right!! LOL...even though my appt is right in Macy's,<--think it's still dangerous!! <--thinks Wendy has a great idea suggesting dinner instead of lunch!! <--should be out of there by 5pm!!! <--waves hello to Michelle! <--is excited that <--bought second pair of lucky brand...
  11. W

    <--- Zazafooky BOOYAH!

    <--waves wildly to all in catheland! <--TGIF! <--bummed that <--don't get paid until NEXT weekx( <--glad that Shelley got her baby back! <--also sends cyber hugs to Mr. Gilbert:-) <--wants Robin to know how much she makes <-- laugh! <--thinks Robin's menu sounds delish and would like to...
  12. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--thanks everyone for non stop laughter today!! <--really needed it!! <--loves foocacca and almost fell off <--chair from laughing so hard!! <--tells Robin surely she can drop by on her way to Vermont??!!:P <--thanks Rogue for sending yummy pumpkin scone:-) <--wants to run to nearest...
  13. W

    Please help an English girl out.

    While neither sophisticated nor smooth, was still a compliment:7
  14. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--tells Pinky she is BURNING to go down to Dallas but must save as much $$ as possible for hawaii trip... <--is hoping that wine and mojitos can again overflow at the Chateau Shonie in the spring so I can finally join in all the unspeakable activities in my adopted state!! LOL remember, what...
  15. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--waves wildy to Laura and sends hugs! <--wants to cry because <-- wants to join ya'll so much on the 11th <--will however call in to make sure <-- will be a part of the GTG one way or the other <--will remind Jes to make sure to bring her cell phone THIS time!! :P
  16. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--LMAO as <-- comments that bellies growling will no doubt keep everyone up, but no guarantee that anyone is actually paying attention at said meetings!! <-- only think about how many minutes left before <-- can chow down:7 }( <--love love love Robin's idea of the Cathe Mobile picking...
  17. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--is also very happy to see Pinky!! <--tells Pinky <-- casa is her casa.....<--door is always open for her if she wants a getaway:7 <--HIGHLY doubts Pinky's butt is heavy in any sense of the word!!
  18. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--sends Robin many thanks and tells her she is a life saver!! <--hates meetings too.....Angie asked why have meetings before lunch...<--asks why have meetings at all?? <--tells Missy <--will clean out her spider webs for her!! <--am not normally scared of spiders as long as they are not big...
  19. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--thinks Wendy's idea is awesome LOL!! Hmmm, perhaps I can dress up as Cathe herself??? Well, she is only an inch or so shorter than me but boy would I have to slice off entire chunks of me to get away with that!!!:o <--feels very happy that another reunion is well on it's way!! WOO HOO...
  20. W

    <----fiddle faddle

    <--just had breakfast <--feels much better:+ <-waves madly to Angie and Wendy <--tells Wendy <--am thinking about saturday, nov. 5 at where else???Cheesecake Factory:7 :9 .....we can have our own reunion:D !! <--tells Wendy <--is coming in dressed as a disgruntled office worker..LOL...