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  1. HaveFun

    Does it REALLY have to be like this?!?

    You're going to make a great Mom because this is exactly what I tell my 4 & 7 year old daughters to do when they bicker with each other - just WALK AWAY and IGNORE each other!! :D;)
  2. HaveFun

    The problem with America...

    Where has our fun gone? Please have some fun!! Thank you, Robin, for making me smile and I am sorry about your grandson - my thoughts are with you. Please smile everyone and let's leave all the negativity to other sites/forums :D
  3. HaveFun

    can't walk

    I haven't done BG in probably a year as well. Since I just ordered BBL this week I considered doing BG just to get those booty DOMS over with :D Glad you're enjoying those DOMS :eek:
  4. HaveFun

    brazillian butt lift

    Why oh why do I keep reading these BBL threads?? I've already planned out my next 4 1/2 months worth of workouts just to discourage any workout purchases. Looks like I will be ordering these tonight :D Funny thing is that my Mom is Brazilian and I don't have a booty like the BBL models, but...
  5. HaveFun

    Second Round of Insanity

    Hi Ivy, I've completed an Insanity rotation as written and LOVE it!!! I then did a mish-mosh week of kettlebells & yoga then did a P90X Classic round subbing Insanity workouts for KenpoX. Then I did another kb, yoga mish-mosh week and now I'm finishing up my first month of P90X+ Classic...
  6. HaveFun

    kitchenaid stand mixers

    Ooooohhhh!!!! I have a white Ultra Power Kitchenaid that tilts back and was convinced after asking here May last year - everyone was so wonderful & helpful. It has a permanent spot on my kitchen counter and I use it probably more often than I should :o Whipping up a batch of cookies or a cake...
  7. HaveFun

    Advice about leaning out lower body

    Insanity has leaned out my lower half and I have cut out heavy weights for legs. I find that body weight or light weights (10 lbs) for legs is best for me :)
  8. HaveFun

    New Moon

    I saw it yesterday and enjoyed it as well and liked that it is true to the book. The werewolves were awesome!! Our theater had an all tween girl "New Moon" birthday party and there were many WOOHOOS whenever Jacob was shirtless, which is often in the movie ;):eek: If I remember correctly...
  9. HaveFun

    New Moon

    Ckuptime - that is super cool!!!!!! :cool::eek:
  10. HaveFun

    Insanity rotation ?

    Yes, Cardio Circuit is Plyo Cardio Circuit. The rotation suggests subbing Insane Abs for Cardio Abs and Max Interval Sports Training for Core Cardio & Balance in Month 2. I did the Upper Body Weight workout 3 times only during the recovery week since I did not see anywhere else in the rotation...
  11. HaveFun

    New Moon

    Now whoever has seen the movie, please give us the deets. Oh heck, it doesn't matter anyway since I'm seeing it regardless. I'm for both teams Edward & Jacob - who could choose between these two?? :eek:;):cool: Yep, glad I'm a Mom of 2 daughters and I'm supposed to be the mature one - right?
  12. HaveFun

    Very Cool Interval Timer APP!!!

    I'm hooked on my iPhone, too!! Of course I recently switched from a 7 year old cell phone that was just a phone - I never even had my voice mail set up and never texted. Now I'm just in awe over the ease of communicating and all the fun stuff included in this phone - LOVE IT :eek:
  13. HaveFun

    What do you do to make Christmas more fun for the kids?

    No new ideas to add, but thank you for the inspiration. I love the excitement of Christmas - so much fun :D
  14. HaveFun

    New Moon

    SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! I haven't preordered tickets, but plan to see it this weekend. I'll always be a tween at heart. Thanks for posting this because I thought about bringing this up especially since I'm loving all the media hype devoted to it :cool:
  15. HaveFun

    ipod touch

    We just got a Mac desktop and iPhones - I'm hooked!! I'm trying out the free OurGroceries app - so cool :cool:
  16. HaveFun

    Early morning exercisers please stand up

    Ditto!! I'm up at 4:30am and love to check my workout off of my long list of things to do everyday. I say just do what works for you and enjoy :D
  17. HaveFun


    Check your pm. I just logged on after much too long and just noticed your pm! I'm sorry it took me so long to respond :o:(
  18. HaveFun

    Please share blogs that you are addicted to! I'll start...

    Thanks!! I just added and to my bookmarks - yes, quite opposites I know :p I'm a and fan, too :D
  19. HaveFun

    Insane Party- Tuesday 10/13/09

    Thanks for the recommendations for subbing Insanity in P90X, Regina :) I wasn't sure about subbing a M2 workout since I did not want it to interfere with the P90X strength-work, but I will try it and MIST sounds like a great sub for Kenpo, too!! :D
  20. HaveFun

    How to eat cake!

    OMG how adorable!! Of course she loved the cake, Mommy made it, right???:D:D