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  1. lorajeanne


    Afternoon Maniacs - slept in till 7:30 today. I woke up a few pounds lighter (water weight?) and my abs were pulled in a bit.....wonder if it was CardioBarre or YRG?? MMmm.. I ended up doing CardioBarre Beginner and then added on the Advanced Upper Body 15" segment from the Advanced...
  2. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/26

    Diane Sue - my knees are hurting right in the patella....and hurt mostly when I bend my legs to go down my stairs....especially in the mornings when I first get up. I think I might do 1/2 hour of cardio tomorrow and another YRG workout to see if I can help my pain. I have to get up
  3. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/26

    Diane Sue - yes, tubing does the same thing to me. I'm thinking I'll sub freeweights for Turbo Fire, however, I've read that tubing is supposed to be good to use for your muscles and I'm confused. I try to use tubing every once in a while to change things up......but I always end...
  4. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/26

    This morning since I'm still having pain, I did NRG Strength workout which is supposed to help the knees, back, shoulders and neck (your weakest links - which are all killing me). That was 35" and it is the yoga type workout with dynamic tension. Then I did Intro Cardio Barre workout with part...
  5. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/23

    Theresa - the workout was decent. Very reminiscent of her other workouts. It's only an intermediate workout, but I thought it was okay. She did the leg work unweighted ....and so did I today, but in the future, I will probably add weights, however, every now and then, I like to do body weight...
  6. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/23

    Morning Maniacs - Ugh...4:30 was brutal.....and I didn't actually get up until 10 till 5 so I had to cut my workout short. I did Jackie Warner's Fit In Your Skin (a 1/2 hour weight workout that I got free). I added some KB swings and cleans with my 20 lb kb and then I did Ravi & Ana Quick Fix...
  7. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/22

    Morning Maniacs - Ugh...did not want to roll out of bed or workout today. I planned on getting up a bit early so that I could do some yoga for my aching back....but that didn't happen. My workout was 10 Min Sol's Dance Fat off Fast with Leah Serago (3 segments) and the cardio portion of...
  8. lorajeanne


    Diane Sue - wish I had to worry about losing too much weight. I'm back on my stupid Frulati smoothie bing....cuz I get depressed at work and want a treat! Plus...I like Frulati cuz I can get ice water with lemon there! I exciting...huh?
  9. lorajeanne


    Morning Maniacs - My back is still killing me today. I did Lynn Hahn's Total Body Conditioning Circuit for the first time. Today was supposed to be weights, but this had more cardio than weights. I followed the low impact person for the most part. Max HR was 145 and I burned 520 calories in...
  10. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 7/8

    Morning Maniacs - This morning I did Bob's Workout. I could only stomach 18minutes of the one with stephanie (even with Papa Roach drowning her out and trying not to focus on her.........she still makes me crazy). I then moved onto the part with Zack and while he was bent over sucking wind, I...
  11. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for 7-7 Wed

    Lori - are you okay? Work sucked today.......only one sale! Deb - do you have an opinion on Clinique products? I was just curious about your thoughts, as I might end up having to move to that counter.....and I know you've sold Avon I would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks...
  12. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for 7-7 Wed

    Morning Maniacs - This morning 4:30 am was brutal after 2 days of sleeping in. I did a warm up and then 2 segments of Kiana's 12 Week Program followed by Cathe's stretch from MMA Fusion (like that one cuz it's a tad longer). I stretched a few more minutes on my own. Workout was 70" and I burned...
  13. lorajeanne


    yes...please do PM me. I won't tell my DH. He thinks I should wait to find out!! LOL
  14. lorajeanne


    Hi Maniacs - I didn't feel like working out this morning....but I ended up having another kick ass workout. I did CardioFlex (Evolution Studios) with Robert Staufer. This was voted #1 fitness workout according to Fitness Organica (last year). I've had it for a while but this was the time I...
  15. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for July 4th Weekend

    Morning Maniacs- I slept in until 7:15 this morning and then I did Michelle Dozois' Next Move Workout. I did Upper, Lower & Total Body weights. Had a great workout. Used 6-12 lb DBs. Max HR was 146 and I burned 637 calories in 65". I then did Jill Miller's Yoga Tuneup 33" from the Home...
  16. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for July 4th Weekend

    Morning Maniacs - This morning I was gonna do TurboFire....but I did Petra's Groove Dance workout instead. This did not click with me. I had to put SO much into it just to get my HR up. Max HR was only 144 and I burned 424 calories in 50 minutes. I did part of a Yoga Tune Up from Jill...
  17. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for July 4th Weekend

    Morning Maniacs - This morning I did not hear the alarm again! Did TurboFire HIIT 30" and then cooled down for a few extra minutes. Cardio was 36" and I burned 390 calories. Max HR was only 163. I added on Jill Miller's Yoga Tune Up Home Program 13" for the stretch...
  18. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs - Friday July 2

    ADD girl is at it again. I'm thinking about ditching my last rotation (Val & TA) and doing a combo of Tracy Anderson, Tonique, Brazil Butt Lift, Val Waters, M Richards, Jari Love, Slim Series and Tony's One on One..........YES...I know I'm all over the place with this and I might have to do one...
  19. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs - Friday July 2

    Morning Maniacs - I overslept a bit so I had to do a shorter workout. I did Sarah Lurie's Iron Core Bootcamp. I did my own warmup and a double stretch at the end. I also added a few sets of heavy Farmer Walks, hot potatoes and round the body passes. I used my 20, 25 & 30 lb kb's, except went...
  20. lorajeanne

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thurs July 1

    Papa Roach's latest video! Kick in the Teeth!!