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  1. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 25

    RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 2... I went for a 4 mile walk which consist of a few steep hills and I walked fast. I passed an elderly lady sitting on her porch who wanted to talk and invite me into her home. She picks the trash out of all the trash cans in town. Not sure...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 25

    RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 2... Debbie, That exact move has screwed up my shoulder/neck area at different times. It is tricky. I hope you get it all worked out and just is temporary, but I do know what your talking about. Hang in there. Wanted to ask you if doing...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 25

    Meg, You got a nice day set up for yourself. Sounds pleasant. You just reminded me I need to work abs too. Almost forgot. EAT!
  4. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 25

    RE: Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 2... Good Morning Maniacs!!! Today is a cardio day, but my legs are still quite sore from leg work a few days ago so I am gonna enjoy the beautiful weather and go for a fast paced walk. I am not sure I will take dogs with me or not. Hubby...
  5. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thursday April 24

    Ally, I will check into it. Never heard of it before. Thanks. Well finished my workout. I also uploaded some more recent pics of me. I have put on the few pounds so you tell me..fat or muscle. I dunno. Anyhoo, I had a harder time with the shoulder workout towards the end. I AM TRYING...
  6. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thursday April 24

    Good Morning Maniacs!!! Very sore from workout and struggled with sleep. My knees ached like heck and my legs still trying to thaw out. lol. LOVE IT!!! Today I am working shoulders. Got some cleaning to do and apply for jobs. Another busy day.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wednesday April 23

    O.k., here is my workout for today. Was working on limited time, but managed to get in everything I wanted to do. I turned this workout into more of a circuit workout and had no time to rest. Leg Ext 85# (went up from 80#) 2 sets/12 then dropped weight to 80# and finished another 12x's...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wednesday April 23

    My day has been crazy busy. I am just getting ready to workout now. Good Lawd! My pushmower kept dying out on me cuz the grass got so high from all the rain. Took forever. My daughters friend calls and I can't get her off the phone with me, etc. Getting attacked by dogs and cat while trying to...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wednesday April 23

    Good Morning Maniacs!!! Today is a leg day, elliptical and I will do a few plyo's as well. Gonna work abs again. I just feel like I need to "stir things up" just a notch. Randi, Your new avatar picture is so rockin'! Your arms are fabulous looking. Very sculpted. Great work your doing...
  10. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues April 22

    Posting my workout late cuz everyone was on computer. lol. Did my ab work to BM2 Here is my chest/back work: 2 minute rest between each set Chest Flat Dumbell Fly: 15# - 15x's (W/U) 30# - 12/12/12 **same as before as 30's challenge me enough and towards the end really shaky**...
  11. T

    Okay, What's the story behind your Cathe name?

    First starting to do Cathe workouts and noticed a few times Cathe referred to feeling "toasty". So I knew right then I wanted to feel "toasty" all the time so I am TOASTYTHEMOSTY as I love the burn.
  12. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues April 22

    Good Morning Maniacs!!! Doing Chest/Back/Abs today. Didn't do it yesterday, but I did the cardio...I was just feeling drag dogged down tired and had a migraine too for most of the day. Sandy, Great job!!!! Lora, At least your making money. Dh keeps telling me I need to find...
  13. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday April 21

    Diane Sue, I just had subway too, but I had the wrap for lunch. I don't think I will see 115 again. I am 119 too and seems like I am stuck there for now.
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday April 21

    Rocker women, Anyone heard of Powerman 5000, Bombshell???? GREAT TUNE!!!!! Check it out, if you haven't heard it!
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday April 21

    Finished my cardio... Level 4 30 mins 3.2 miles Speed 6-8mph Burned 267 cals Meg, Glad you had a nice weekend. You deserved it. Did you good to do that. It is possible we could still get frost too, but I got tarps, blankets and will blanket ever thing to death, if need be...
  16. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday April 21

    Good Morning Maniacs!!! Today is Chest and Back and Abs. Looks like my metabolism is revved up some so to keep it that way gonna go jump on the elliptical and listen to squizz off directv and pray they don't play icky songs. I took it to 29mph quickly on saturday morning. LMAO! Looks like...
  17. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Saturday 4/19

    Good Morning Maniacs!!!! This is what I did yesterday: 1 min. rest between each set TRICEPS Lying Skull Crushers: 20# - 15 (warmup) 35# - 12 then moved up to 40# as 35# was too light and finished 12/12 Weighted Bench Dips: 45# Db in lap - 12/12/12 Overhead Dumbbell...
  18. T

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 18

    Meg, All the ones I like are posted on my blog on myspace..check it out. Tell me which kind of notes you like and I will direct you. I ordered Velvet because that smells like choc/vanilla and I believe it has orange blossom in it too. The mountain is still burning and I could literally...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 18

    Lora, How can someone tell you not to wear perfume???? That is crazy and I would like to know what they told you. Anyhoo, I did not see those imps you were talking about, are they new? I am not gonna get Dragon Moon. I don't care for dragon's blood too much anyways and I don't think I...
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    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Finally Friday April 18

    Good Morning Maniacs!!! Well hope my house doesn't burn down. Another fire on the mountain, it is close enough to me. I had to shut my bedroom window last night as my entire bedroom and upstairs smelled like smoke and was hearing the fire trucks too much as well. It was pretty to see burning...