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    ___cLEAN & tidy __ Magical MARRIED Monday_____

    OMG!! Katie, those are amazing, i'm getting all teary eyed! You have a beautiful family. Enjoy yourself :) Steph
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    ___cLEAN & tidy __ Magical MARRIED Monday_____

    Afternoon peeps I just realized its a holiday in the U.S isnt it?? Not in Canada, we had ours last Monday. Well, happy Memorial day everyone! Shirl, cookout sounds lovely! What kind of moves are in the TT circuit? I'm curious about the plan. Jenn, i love LIC, i might have to break...
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    ___cLEAN & tidy __ Magical MARRIED Monday_____

    Morning Kate!! and all to follow Our girl Katie is a married woman! I'm sure relaxing and eating,and enjoying married life! Can't wait to see the pics :) Kate, you're a maniac. I'd be sore too. I think walking and retail therapy sounds like the best workout of the day actually. Can...
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    ::::::: clean & tidy WEDDING weekend ::::::::

    Katie!!!! Have a great time today! Thinking about you, and sending tons of love for the best day! Kate, that's awesome! That's not just a workout, that's a damn good workout! Shirl, happy Sunday. What are your plans for today? Hi to Robin, Jenn and Colleen :) Well, we had...
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    ::::::: clean & tidy WEDDING weekend ::::::::

    Morning peeps! Katie, i am sooooo excited for you, and the weather is perfect!!!! Colleen, you are so sweet, your weekend does sound good, and you've had a tough week, so deserved!! Kate, Hypnosis is very very powerful! That's how i quit smoking, so i'm a firm believer. The table set...
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    Morning peeps! Katie, i'm soooo excited for you! You are going to be so beautiful, even if you dont workout and eat like crap. Kate, oh, i'm sure you'll workout tonight :) I was thinking last night how much better you sound and how happy you've been in the last week or so. Enjoy no...
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    ~~~~~~~Thursday ** cLEAN-eating for a wedding ~~~~~~~

    Evening peeps, Katie, this is so exciting. Have a wonderful day tomorrow, dont know how much checking in you'll be able to do. Kate, you are very sweet, i'm very sad tonight, just not a good night you know. We will be seeing each other Saturday, so we've been apart for a week. We've...
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    ~~~~~~~Thursday ** cLEAN-eating for a wedding ~~~~~~~

    Morning peeps! I cant believe it, just a few days away Katie! Tomorrow is spa day right? Are you doing manicure, pedicure etc? You are going to look amazing, and its all the hard work you've done, so be proud :) Kate, i need that hypno cd! I woke up at 4am, ready to go to work! Do you...
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    ~~~~~~~cLEAN-eating almost-wedding Wednesday~~~~~~~

    Afternoon peeps! Kate, i'm so proud that your girls know the correct names of parts, that's important!! Horses too... Colleen, i love Hi/lo knockout. I keep trying to figure out how to get it in more! Today is pretty quiet here at work, maybe i'll sneak out early and be with my doggie. s
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    ~~~~~~~cLEAN-eating almost-wedding Wednesday~~~~~~~

    Hi Clean peeps!! Its freezing here this morning!! I cant believe it, its May! I know its Canada, but come on :) Kate, enjoy your day, you deserve it. Dont look for stuff to do, just relax. Maybe the girls will want to do some CS with you, too cute! Shirl, your day sounds fun! Maybe...
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    ((((( clean & tidy tuesday )))))

    Morning clean peeps! Back to work for me today, it was weird this morning having the house empty..oh well. Katie, i cant believe its so close, Kate's right, you are going to look fantastic on the big day. Great menu too. I dont know how you're going to focus at work this week! I'd be so...
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    ^^^^cLEAN-eating wedding countdown!!! monday ^^^^

    evening peeps! Sorry for me very late post, its a holiday here in Canada, and i didnt have to work today. Not to mention the way too many drinks i had last night, and went to bed at 4am! that's when i usually wake up! Christian called today, he wants to come home. I said i have to think...
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    {{{{{ clean & tidy weekend }}}}}

    Morning clean and tidy peeps!! Looks like a quiet Sunday, i think that's the way they were supposed to be. I got up early, walked the dog, went to the grocery store (on the subway!), cleaned my drawers out, worked on the exams for the students...did CS, do you think i'm trying to keep busy...
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    {{{{{ clean & tidy weekend }}}}}

    Katie, you rock!! This is one of the best bridal shower pics ever! Colin as bootcamp instructor really adds to it :) Damn MIL, she'll get over herself when the wedding is over. Its obviously not the room that's upsetting, its something else, maybe she should be asked? Kate, i knew Barbie...
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    --------> TGI (clean & tidy) FRIDAY <--------

    Hello, what a day, i'm eating lunch at 2pm! You are all so supportive! Kate, hopefully today isnt driving you too nuts! Robin, dont know if i want him to come crawling back. i might be just fine :) Shirl, you mentioned you and DH were doing ballroom! I think that is so incredible...
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    --------> TGI (clean & tidy) FRIDAY <--------

    Morning peeps!! what a night! Christian and i went to see the Cure, he held my hand WTH?? It was sad, but ironic, one of our first dates 12 years ago was to see the Cure.... Then on the way home, were in a car accident, and our car (which he's using to leave with today!!) is wrecked. So...
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    < ^ >^< ^ > clean & tidy thursday < ^ >^< ^ >

    Morning peeps!! Katie, okay, your MIL needs to step off! You need to take Robin's tennis ball and give MIL a smack :) I actually like my MIl, cant stand my SIL! so i hear ya. Once the wedding is over, she'll back off for sure, hang in there. Kate, well, waxing should be less painful...
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    \\\\\ ---- clean & tidy wednesday ---- /////

    Afternoon ladies! Colleen, you are so sweet, i would love to go to the Cure with you!! I usually do 1-5 Imax3 intervals on a lifting day, about 40 min of good training in there!! Kate, cancel accountant, napmax Robin, my thoughts exactly. I need a big strong man :) Good for you for...
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    \\\\\ ---- clean & tidy wednesday ---- /////

    Morning humpers!! That came out wrong :) Katie, nothing wrong with BBQ chicken, you might be really sick of it by the end of the week, but its clean! Glad you had fun with IMAX2! Kate, Arnold is going to kick my butt tonight, its our last session i think, i dont know financially where...
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    ________cLEAN & tidy sleepyheads -- Tuesday_________

    Hi peeps What kind friends i have. Today has been better cause i'm so mad. We had a big blowout, i said he needs to move now, not on Friday. I'm in shock, i will be alone as of Friday! I cant wait until the RT, but now i'm worried about my dogs, and money and everything else. He said...