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  1. G

    WW CheckIn 12/10 SUNDAY

    Hi everyone!!! Got back late yesterday. Spent the day doing office work, and getting the house ready for our parties. Still need to go for groceries and it's getting late. Better not stay too long. Newport was awesome. We had a great time and spent way too much $$. We bought christmas...
  2. G

    Things our kids say!!

    Have to share this one about my neice who was potty training at the time: My sister and Emilie were in the bathroom while Emilie was sitting on the potty to do her business. The phone rang so my sister went to get it. She hung up quickly and came back to see that Emilie had done her...
  3. G

    Things our kids say!!

    ROTFLMAO - I have tears streaming down my face from Sophie's comments and I'm at work and not supposed to be surfing net for personal use!!!!!!!!!! "We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" unknown.
  4. G

    WW Check in - Wednesday 12/6

    Hi everyone - Teddygirl - not sure what's up, but {{{hugs))) and prayers going your way that everything works out well, regardless!! Amy - I agree w/Tgirl - open door, toss scale. Get those skinny clothes out and feel good, darn it!! Traci - guess the folks at Walmart don't get sarcasm...
  5. G

    May I Share What My Car Trips are Like--O/T of anything

    ROTFLMAO - hilarious!!! And one day you'll sit there in your car at the red light, missing all those great times you had when your boys were little..... Claude "We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" unknown.
  6. G

    Gizmo's Picture Wins Award!

    Well of course his photo won! How could it not? But I really think you need to set the ASPCA straight - we all know he should be #1!! "We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" unknown.
  7. G

    Weight Watchers Check In- Tuesday 12/5

    Hi everyone - Traci - sorry your tummy wasn't feeling good yesterday. Glad to hear your better today. Have fun baking. That's not on my list - don't see how I'd have time to fit that in with everything else. Amy - why is it men can't get up and move around quietly??? We do it all the...
  8. G

    What are your holiday traditions?

    The Saturday right after Thanksgiving is Light up the Town so we walk downtown and watch Santa arrive in his John Deere pulled trailer. As he passes each building on Main Street, the lights on the building go on. They stay on until the day after New Year's. All the businesses stay open and...
  9. G

    What's the state of your home?

    I had a one year assignment where I worked out of state for two to four days a week for a year. The company rented me a small cottage for that year. When I was there alone, it was spotless. When DH and DD would come to spend the weekend with me, it would be destroyed in two minutes. Yet...
  10. G

    Weight Watchers CheckIn 12/4 MONDAY

    Buffy - Repeat after me - No Food is worth not reaching your goal. No Food is worth not reaching your goal. You can thank Traci for that mantra - it's become a personal favorite! Claude "We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" unknown.
  11. G

    Weight Watchers CheckIn 12/4 MONDAY

    Sounds like I missed one heck of a weekend - bugles, oreo balls, blow up santas in a boat and drug addicted open heart patients being chased by Amy! Holy cow - makes my weekend look lame. Where's my list - oh, here it is - Dining room curtains - check, dining room cushions - check, party...
  12. G

    Weight Watchers Check-in - Thursday 11/30

    Just spent the last 45 min reading every one's posts from the last week. I feel so much more refreshed now. Guess I needed a mental break as well. Let's see, some of these are belated, but bear with me... Sandra - I had a feeling you were a note taker - I have all sorts of notes all over...
  13. G

    Weight Watchers Check-in - Thursday 11/30

    Hey - Where's Traci? I can't beleive I'm the first one up today. I'm feeling whipped, gee I wonder why? I took Saturday and Sunday as rest days - first time ever I've taken two days in a row (other than vacation). I was ok with it because I was so busy, it felt like I was still being...
  14. G

    Weight Watchers Check-in - Thursday 11/30

    Just getting us started. "Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
  15. G

    Weight Watchers Wednesday 11/29

    Tracy - Dried figs with cool whip and chocolate sauce and nuts, hmmm I hadn't even thought of that - add a little PB and I bet it's over the top!!!! Amy - well, since I have a relatively light season ahead of me :P, I got talked into (more liked drugged, beaten and coerced) into being...
  16. G

    Weight Watchers Wednesday 11/29

    Hey Strangers - I've been MIA since the weekend - I'm checking in so you'll know I haven't been hit by a truck, but I'm up to my eyeballs in alligators. I'm working extra hours at the job; doing OT on the homefront and am somehow maintaining my workouts. I keep thinking I'll get a chance to...
  17. G

    Weight Watchers Check-In Thanksgiving Day 11-23

    Happy Turkey Day! We spent the day doing the obligatory running from house to house to see all sides of the family. I tried to make healthy choices and not stuff myself. I did ok - I felt fuller than I would have liked after dessert, but not as bad as I've done before WW. I made a WW...
  18. G

    Weight Watchers CheckIn 11/22 WEDNESDAY TurkeyEve

    Darn it, I missed Traci - hope she has a great holiday weekend. It's been nutso for me - I just finished preparing an employee group benefits proposal to our board of directors. They want to save money even if it means charging the employees more or cutting benefits. Well I found a way to...
  19. G

    Weight Watchers Check In- Monday 11/20

    Hey everyone!! Busy busy weekend - haven't had a chance to catch up on what's been going on, hope everyone else is doing well and things are on track - Saturday was Imax 2; Sunday was a rest day and today was GS Chest & Tris. Eating was good Friday and Saturday. A little less so yesterday...
  20. G

    Weight Watchers HOORAY IT FRIDAY Check-In 11/17

    Hey everyone in WW land ! I feel like I haven't had a chance to chitchat in forever! I'm supposed to be working from home, but I'm getting squat done, so I figured, WTH, go checkin. Today is rest day so I did B&G abs (regular abs, not bonus version) plus StretchMax1. Love that stretch...