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  1. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi ladies Jody - glad to hear you've having blast at Disney. I'm going to order the new DVDs as well, 30 mins sounds right up my street. I'm looking to add an extra one for the free postage. Which one of the Step Boss would you say is the best? Lisa - it's so lovely to hear you so upbeat and...
  2. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Mary - go you!! That's fantastic, I bet you were so happy. What luck! Lisa - go you as well! Well done for sticking with the Peloton - sounds like you're having loads of fun with it. Shows that when you find some exercise you enjoy, you stick with it. Jody - thanks for the vibes...
  3. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Damn! Just checking in and saw that the last post I uploaded isn't here! Can't remember what I said now apart from beautiful quilt, Lisa!! Two days into my new job ... going well so far but I'm shattered. Aiming to do my first workout at the end of the day tomorrow.
  4. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi all Lisa - that's amazing! You should feel justifiably proud of yourself. It's not that far actually to my new job, I can walk and get a bus. 30 mins door to door I reckon. I'll be getting some fresh air everyday at least. Mary - sorry to hear about your teeth. That's horrible, I hate...
  5. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Happy New Year! Jody - I'm happy to stick with renamed thread. Sounds like you've been getting in the workouts again. So do you like the new series? I decided not to bother as I don't think I'm as keen on step as I used to be. It would be cool if you and Lisa met up at Disney! I...
  6. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi all Lisa - hope you're now feeling better. Well done on attempting yoga at least!! I think I'll join you in your NY resolution. Mary - yes, she came home last Saturday. It's lovely to have her around again! So a very quick post I'm afraid as the Christmas rush has started with lots to sort...
  7. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Jody - yes, DD will be back at the weekend till January 4th. It'll be lovely to have her home again. Puerto Rico sounds interesting! Well done on the workouts - LIC all the way through? That is impressive! Sounds like you're straightening out diet/exercise while you've got a bit of...
  8. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Wow lots to catch up on! Tracy - good to see you. Love the sound of your CA getaway with friend - that's very back to nature with no electricity. The yoga/raw food was a bit of a one off, not sure we'll be repeating it. But we just wanted to try something different. Yes, you're...
  9. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Lisa - wow, what a bike ride! Well done you. The spin sounds fun. That's so funny about your dad and new cars!! Jody - at least you're doing something, doesn't matter if you can't keep up with Cathe. Weather awful here. Raining day after day, we really need a break from it. We've...
  10. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi all Jody - sounds like lots of fun for you and DD at Disney. How fun having that on your doorstep. We did a kundalini class which was OK but I wouldn't want to do it all the time. The other classes were more my kind of yoga, flow type. Meditation was a mixed bag, some of it I enjoyed but I...
  11. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Lisa - so pleased for you. Lovely to see you so happy and excited. A girl!!! How exciting! Love to all your family :D
  12. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hello Jody - hope you're enjoying Disney! I bet it's a nice time to be there. Is it still very busy or does it get quieter at this time of year? I love the ICE series, it's the one I always turn to when I'm not sure what to do. As I've had a couple of weeks off with injuries I think I'll be...
  13. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi ladies Mary - sounds chilly! Hope you're keeping warm with lots of Cathe workouts ;) Lisa - wow, impressive! I couldn't not eat for 19 hours!! I liked Jody's comeback to your sister, that would have shut her up! It's good that your brother is taking some of the slack now as well. Jody -...
  14. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi ladies Been pretty busy so haven't been able to get here. Jody - bad luck with the workman, that's horrible that the assistant had to quit during the job. We did pay a fortune for our work but it is excellent and the guy was really professional. We're really pleased with it. Love your...
  15. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Jody - well done on being in the same room as Cathe!! That made me smile. Also good news on all the clear results for you. It would have been fun to have you here for Bonfire Night... Lisa - good start on sts (lisa's version)! I did pretty well shopping actually, thanks for asking...
  16. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone Oh dear, everything's on the previous page apart from Lisa's last post. I'll see if I can remember ... Lisa - that sounds like a warning! Did you enjoy doing HR after all that time? It's good you're being sensible though. I guess you could do other Cathes like Turbobarre and that...
  17. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi gang Mary - so, that's it, it's official, no more 'children' amongst us in this group. What are her future plans? Enjoy your week off. Lisa - Snow already? Although, I would quite like to live somewhere properly snowy for a while. I guess that's it for the bike rides for now. What will you...
  18. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hello Lisa - you obviously don't use those muscles when cycling. It's always a shock when you do something else, isn't it? Jody - glad it's all clear for you. I know what you mean about not having time for everything. I haven't preordered this time. Decided I wasn't that bothered about step...
  19. Ronne

    Strong & Sensible

    Hi everyone I got stuck on the previous page and thought no one had posted for a while! Lisa - you and DH are real adverts for the benefits of mj. CBD oil is a big thing over here at the moment. I read an article recently and it's being used in all sorts of products to no avail really. It's...
  20. Ronne

    Which Cathe LIVE Downloads are your favorite?

    I would also like some recommendations and was thinking of posting the same question. It would be great if some Cathe Live users could tell us their favourites. My 30% off coupon is burning a hole in my wallet ...