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  1. aimeefit

    Personal Training, Nutrition etc.

    Hey RBurke!! I just got certified with AFAA last Sept. and I have 3 kids and I work. I didn't fie it too hard to do. I ordered my study materiall about 3 months in advance, then every night I did one chapter or section of the Book/study guide. I was done with it all a month in advace and then...
  2. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    Hi Debi!! Well, I didn't do fitness, but I did practice those moves. I found that strengthening the entire upper body helps with those. Namely the triceps, back, chest and abs. You'll need quad strength too, but these worked the best for me. Hope this helps:-)!! Aimee
  3. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    Thanks Kathy!!! I feel better already!! Actually, I always insited on working out at home so me and my kids wouldn't miss each other. The only time I go out is my walk/run in the a.m. and for some reason my kids don't want to get up at 5 a.m. to go with me. Spoil sports;-)! He he he!! Anyway...
  4. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    RE: Thanks guys!! I appericate the kind words. I'll have to see what my trainer says about all this tonight. Ok, here's the reciepe, it's VERY RICH!!! 1 package oreos 1 stick of butter melted crush oreos and press into a 9x13 pan pour butter over evenly and press again. 1 1lb powdered sugar 1...
  5. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    Thanks guys!! You all are the best!! I am really feeling good about my decision, no regets, well...... I want to keep my weight down and ever since I decided not to do this, it's been a food free for all:-)!! That's ok, tomorrow I start a new eating plan, one that allows me carbs, but still low...
  6. aimeefit

    Check-in for week 3-18 to 3-24

    Hi everyone!!! Boy does it feel good to checkin again!! What's up with this weather??? I want spring to come and stay!!!! Ok, I've only got a couple of minutes ceause I overslept this morning. My week was pretty good and I'm undecisive about keeping it going or moving on to something else. We'll...
  7. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    RE: Bless your all's hearts!!! What you guys have said means so much to me!! I'm going to enjoy going back to my "oldself!" And chatting with you all again!! I honestly feel that a 1000lb weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Not just in the dieting part either, but in the exercising and my...
  8. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    Thanks Kelly!! I appericate it. My family went out and bought me my favorite ice cream and took me out to Cooker's last night for a FEAST!! Think they're happy?? LOL!!! Aimee
  9. aimeefit

    It's me!! Aimee and Competition bound!!

    Hi everyone!! my computer died and right now we're borowing a friend's computer and I can't log in as competition bound or aimee!! So I am now aimeefit:-)!! Anyway, I have some news and I'm afraid you all will be disappointed in me. I have decided not to do the contest in May. I am not ready to...