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  1. FitChick25

    My Life Changes Tomorrow.

    Wonderful news, best of luck!
  2. FitChick25

    Core Max or STS Ab Circuits?

    I agree, STS for the variety. Love both though!
  3. FitChick25

    What is your diet lifesyle?

    I do the Primal Blueprint (a version of Paleo, but encourages more fat intake than traditional Paleo). I love this eating lifestyle. Since I've eliminated wheat and grains from my diet, I've noticed my body completing transforming. I am still not perfect with it - I have my weaknesses and I...
  4. FitChick25

    Got the ok!!

    Yay!! Looking forward to meeting you!
  5. FitChick25

    Age restriction?

    That's great! Bet she's super excited!!
  6. FitChick25

    Age restriction?

    I believe the age limit was 18 last year, but probably best to wait for SNM's response. Good to know there is another generation of Cathletes up and coming!
  7. FitChick25

    Road Trip Announcement = Butterflies

    I have those butterflies too :) Hoping to make it into the Glassboro trip again. So much fun!
  8. FitChick25

    Schedule of Events

    WOHOO!! Can't wait!! :)
  9. FitChick25

    Drill Max 2!

    Another vote for version 2 of this goodie of a workout!!
  10. FitChick25

    Top 3 LIS picks

    1. Athletic Training 2. Afterburn 3. Slide and Glide/Turbo Barre - sorry, they are tied!!
  11. FitChick25

    Are there any other good step workouts not by Cathe

    I like Step Forward by Tracie Long. It's from her TLF series and if you do it on an 8 inch step, it's a good workout.
  12. FitChick25

    I could use some advice/encouragement!

    I am sorry to hear of your struggle but as others have said here, the job market is super competitive and tough right now. It will get better, just be patient. The right job will come along. And good for you. Going back to school after raising your kids! That is not easy and is very impressive...
  13. FitChick25

    Who's working out this weekend?

    Friday was my rest day, but today is 4DS Kickbox and tomorrow is PUB!
  14. FitChick25

    Who else loves their Keurig?

    Love it too! I dont know what I ever did without it. So quick and easy!
  15. FitChick25

    post workout snack ideas

    I love slicing up an apple and slathering on some almond butter. Carbs from the apple help replenish my depleted stores from my Cathe butt-kicking and the protein from the almond butter helps fill me up!
  16. FitChick25

    Which clothes would you buy from Cathe's workouts?

    I loooove the feelfitwear stuff! Got Cathe's capris from CycleMax for X-mas and just got the Dani sports bra in purple and the capris Cathe wears in CCC. LOVE them!
  17. FitChick25

    Anyone use bareMinerals make up?

    Yes, I use it and love it! I definitely think its much lighter than liquid makeup, and I was also able to find a foundation color that truly matched my skin tone, something I've always had a hard time with in the past. Always too yellow or too pink with other brands. My complexion has also...
  18. FitChick25

    Prayer request- follow-up Mammogram

    Positive vibes and prayers coming your way!
  19. FitChick25

    The Four Seasons, Glassboro NU-Cathe's Second Home

    Yes it is amazing! Definitely agree with Jenn,nothing like a live Cathe class! You should get yourself to an RT soon or plan a visit. Its well worth it! :)
  20. FitChick25

    Which clothes would you buy from Cathe's workouts?

    Love the outfit Jai wears in Body Max 2!