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  1. gettingfitmom

    What are you thankful for?

    Debbie, I have never cooked dinner either! My wonderful sister-in-law cooks every year! 22 years and counting!
  2. gettingfitmom

    What are you thankful for?

    Right now I am thankful for tissues and Afrin...Headcold! :(
  3. gettingfitmom

    Christmas letters ... yay or nay??

    I call them gag letters when they go on and on about what the family did ALL year. I fit mine on an address label, and stick it on the back of the picture... Condensed and to the point!
  4. gettingfitmom

    Youngest and oldest Cathletes!

    ...this was about 6 years ago
  5. gettingfitmom

    Youngest and oldest Cathletes!

    will be 50 in January...found Cathe when I bought her long step and there was a DVD inside...did the Firm before that. Haven"t tried anyone since!
  6. gettingfitmom

    Slide n' Glide cardio

    Good to know, thanks!
  7. gettingfitmom

    Did Turbo Barre today...

    glad my parents did not waste their $ when I was younger on ballet lessons. Holy cow, I can't keep my leg up for that long! Loranne makes me jealous