Search results

  1. toughYrun

    New Weight Watchers Program

    I stopped by Weight Watchers the other day and the woman manning the desk informed me that the registratin fee is waived if you have a plan certain health insurance providers. She produced a long list and mine was on it. I don't have any intention of attending meetings, but since I had to pay...
  2. toughYrun

    Netflix streaming recs?

    Hi Kathryn, I love Netflix streaming. I don't watch much regular TV and had never watched The Office until I had no choice while visiting my mother. I just finished all 6 seasons and can't wait until season 7 is available. One of my favorite instant queue movies is a Swedish vampire movie...
  3. toughYrun

    New Weight Watchers Program

    So how do they figure what a person's daily points allowance is?
  4. toughYrun

    Where's Govt Girl?

    I think many of them have migrated to facebook.
  5. toughYrun

    Where's Govt Girl?

    Well, I was thinking about you the other day. An old thread where people shared secrete tips floated up to the top and I saw where you contributed. As far as I know, you've missed no dirt...... I can't watch TV while running on my TM.......
  6. toughYrun

    I'm in!!!

    Congratulations and happy training!!! Your post made me think of a friend of mine who ate at an Ethiopian restaurant the night before he ran NYC and said he spent a lot of time in the porta potties along they way!
  7. toughYrun

    Dry Hair - What shampoos are good for this

    So, do you keep coconut oil in the shower and use it after shampooing???
  8. toughYrun

    Will Spinning Hurt My Feet?

    You didn't say what, if any, diagnosis your feet have been given, but I have plantars fasciitis and my MD advised against spinning, saying that it could aggravate my feet.
  9. toughYrun

    "Women who talk politics are such a turnoff."

    You are so right!!! I wrote a similar post yesterday, but when it disappeared for some reason I didn't feel like typing it all again. My DH and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum on many political issues, but I love my man more than anything, and he loves me too. Rather than debate him...
  10. toughYrun


    Boohoo!! This is the only one I did not order!. Bur after reading this thread and doing Lower Body Blast yesterday I think I'm going to have to put it on my Christmas list!! Cathe is a genius! No question about it!!!
  11. toughYrun

    "Women who talk politics are such a turnoff."

    Ahh. I see. So *he* does/did not like discussing politics on the first couple of dates. That doesn't make sense to me. Is it not within the first couple of dates that an impression of the other person is formed? And is not your date's worldview an important piece of information...
  12. toughYrun

    "Women who talk politics are such a turnoff."

    Agreed. I follow politics, but generally don't discuss past or present issues unless it comes up with a close friend/family member. Since voicing one's political opinions can create tension I would never bring up the topic at a party.
  13. toughYrun

    Temperamental 10 year old... how should I punish her?

    My daughter would not have used my computer after the 2nd time she demononstrated such behavior, at least until she showed some maturity in handling frustration with inanimate objects. That would include homework assignments that require a computer. I would tell the teacher that she does not...
  14. toughYrun

    So ANGRY!

    So, if you have a PO Box you can't have mail delivered to your house? Isn't mail supposed to be delivered to the address on the envelope/package???
  15. toughYrun

    Where is your bookmark? (book thread)

    My mother gave me The Road and told me that it was one of the best books she's ever read. Your comments sort of remind me of the movie No Country for Old Men, also by Cormac McCarthy. I was unable to grasp the meaning of that movie and hated how it ended. I've actually put The Road aside...
  16. toughYrun

    Now I am angry...

    According to Wikipedia Denmark's corporate tax rate is 25%, USA's federal tax code is progressive so corportate tax is between 15 and 35% plus between 0 and 12% for state tax.
  17. toughYrun

    Where is your bookmark? (book thread)

    I just started The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Not yet sure if I like it....
  18. toughYrun

    Favorite scary movies

    Based on comments I read here I rented The Descent. It was good, I guess, but not the sort of scary movie I like to watch. I prefer psychological thrillers that slowly unwind and leave me feeling totally creeped out. The blood, gore and weird looking monsters really don't accomplish that...
  19. toughYrun

    Favorite scary movies

    Same here! Hostel was one of the most disturbing movies I have ever watched. My DH forever insists that it is a Quentin Tarantino movie no matter how many times I tell him it is not.
  20. toughYrun

    Favorite scary movies

    I really don't like slasher movies. They seem cheesy to me and not scary at all. I recently watched Paranormal Activity and that movie creeped me out!