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  1. allwildgirl

    Limecat's Question of the Day

    1. Catnip 2. Cat treats 3. Naps ;)
  2. allwildgirl

    Limecat's Question of the Day

    Liann - you have pizza every day? Yum! By the way, family members aren't 'things'.... ;)
  3. allwildgirl

    Limecat's Question of the Day

    Morning all! Today, Limecat is asking you to name THREE things from your everyday life that you absolutely could NOT live without.
  4. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    How about June-time in Niagara instead?;)
  5. allwildgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    Janie - to be honest, I didn't love it. I thought it was okay, but didn't live up to the hype. I ended up passing it onto my 12 year old DD. She loves it.:)
  6. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    No Road Trip for me. Sorry if that offends anyone...
  7. allwildgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    *ahem* I can't guarantee that you'll get it back in a timely fashion if I have to deliver it in person ;)
  8. allwildgirl

    Give me some practical clean eating tips, please!

    I don't know why it wouldn't. You could probably sit the pot in the fridge and get the same results, if you're worried about leaving the milk out all night.
  9. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    I'm completely and utterly offended that Robin isn't coming to the Flying Pig. Well, okay, in this case offended has the meaning of very sad....:(
  10. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    There better be bathroom mirror pics. We haven't taken a decent bathroom mirror pic in AGES! Sorry, maybe I should be sending you a PM about this.:confused:
  11. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Well, I'm offended because you can't see ANY of me! Oh wait.... that's because I wasn't there.... :(
  12. allwildgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    Ooooh, I'd love to borrow it! Are you sure you don't mind?
  13. allwildgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    TeTe - nope, haven't read Juliet, Naked yet. I really, really want to though! Buying books isn't in the budget right now and I'm on the waiting list at the liberry. (Hey, Beavs, if you stop in here, did you notice I said liberry?)
  14. allwildgirl

    Body for Life

    LMAO Liann! Uh, trust me, you wouldn't want my body for life.... or anything else...:confused:
  15. allwildgirl

    What'cha Doin' the Weekend??

    Ellie - aside from the snowsuits, that sounds just like my dogs!
  16. allwildgirl

    Body for Life

    I have a brand spanking new copy of this and don't want it. If you're interested, let me know and I'll mail it off to you!
  17. allwildgirl

    What'cha Doin' the Weekend??

    Evily - YES! Let me know what times you're free so we can hook up for scrapping goodness!
  18. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    OMG Gayle! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That sounds like something from Texts from Last Night. Which, by the way, is a VERY offensive website.
  19. allwildgirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    I suspect it probably tastes like a redneck retirement home too....:p
  20. allwildgirl

    Don't you love book threads?

    I just finished The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and am rereading How to be Good. I have the new Margaret Atwood on tap after that. Except I can't remember what it's called:confused: