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  1. deanie

    kettlebells. 5.13

    Good Morning! I worked out this morning, but not sure I should have done the presses again. I had just done the other yesterday at noon, not even 24 hours had passed yet. I did hit a pr on the cashout, but still not happy with it ;):p:rolleyes: I have book fair and baseball tonight, and there...
  2. deanie

    *** Thursday Kettlebellin' ***

    Good Afternoon! I slept in today, could NOT get out of bed!!! and I thought I blew it for my workout today.;) But I re-arranged some things and I was able to workout at 12:30 today:) I totally ROCKED the workout today:):):):) I think maybe making the appt. with the RKC made me really...
  3. deanie

    xoxo kettlebell x tuesday oxox

    Good Morning! Today's workout went well, except I was tired and had a hard time getting started. Another busy day today, no time to workout after work. Tomorrow will be worse, I'm going to have to do my 5X4 in the morning!!:eek::eek: I seriously hope I can get up in time! This seems like the...
  4. deanie

    kettlebell. monday.

    Good Afternoon! Well, my afternoon workout is done. It was so easy!! :eek: Snatches were tough though. I actually rolled 11 minutes, but only did 9. By my 5th ladder my older DS was home, and my concentration wasn't as intense. My fault though, I took to long after work to get down the...
  5. deanie

    kettlebell. monday.

    Good Morning Just starting us off. I am going to try to workout after work this week for my weight days. We'll see how it goes. So today I will be working out at 2pm-ish:confused: I hope everyone had a nice weekend; and a happy mothers day!! later:cool:
  6. deanie

    Rockin' Kettlebell Weekend

    Good Afternoon:D:D:D:D I totally ROCKED my workout today:D:D:D I worked out after DS10's soccer game, which they won!!:) (just remembered the link is in my signature, so I probably didn't need to do that!:o) LOL **hee hee** Really great workout, So much...
  7. deanie

    TGI --- kettlebell --- friday ->

    EEK!! Okay, I did it!!:eek::eek::eek: I bit the bullet and called Mike Krivka from DD!! Funny thing is, his sister lives in my community and his niece and my son are in the same grade (I know them!!:eek:) How funny is that!!? Anyway, I just spoke to him, he is out of town this weekend, but we...
  8. deanie

    TGI --- kettlebell --- friday ->

    Good Morning! Just getting us started!:) Melissa ~ you really inspired me to get my rear in gear and see an RKC! I am going to try and call one today. So are you going to start ETK over? No workout for me today. I'm taking a rest day. Tomorrow is my heavy day, but I'm not sure when I'm...
  9. deanie

    kEtTlEbElL tHuRsDaY

    Jane::: Excellent!! I am starting that now!!:p thanks! Have fun with your workout today. For me, I'd be done (fried) after the 25 thrusters!!! They are evil!!;) Gayle::: I hope your meeting wasn't/isn't too boring! Melissa ~ Details babe!! we want details!!!:);):p How was DD's game? Have a...
  10. deanie

    kEtTlEbElL tHuRsDaY

    Good Morning!! Melissa::: I am so excited for you and your training with the RKC today!!!! Tell us EVERYTHING!!!:):):) Todays workout was okay: I definitely should have used a lighter bell! What was I thinking??? Great abs article:
  11. deanie

    ketTLEbell wedNESday

    hi again! well, maybe my not so good workout this morning was a preminition.... I spoke with the director at my school today. I got the hours I wanted (9-1 monday thru friday) but I am not working with the 4's anymore (major bummer!!:() I am working in the 2's/3's class. The good news is I am...
  12. deanie

    ketTLEbell wedNESday

    Good Morning! Todays workout was not what I planned. I wanted to take it slow and easy, but I woke up late, got started late, DS13 had to wake up early to do homework he "forgot" to do last night (remembered at bedtime!) and I really felt the time constraints. The first 3 ladders went well...
  13. deanie

    xXxX Kettlebell x Tuesday XxXx

    :):) I am making it this Saturday afternoon! Come over any time!!:) ....going to look up Moloka'i now!:)
  14. deanie

    xXxX Kettlebell x Tuesday XxXx

    Good Afternoon!! Gayle:: Great workout!! About starting the RoP with the 12kg: If you can do 5X5 with it no problem, try the 16kg. If you can press the 16kg 3-5X then I think you can start with the 16kg. I think that's what they would say in the DD forums, and it may be in the book somewhere...
  15. deanie

    xXxX Kettlebell x Tuesday XxXx

    Good Morning! todays workout: I've been doing a lot of ETK research on the DD forum lately. I usually try to shorten my rests between ladders, but according to the forum if you want to build strength you shouldn't do that. So yesterday I made myself wait a...
  16. deanie

    oOoO Monday Kettlebells oOoO

    Good Morning Gayle::: PICTURES!!! We want pictures :):):) Are you starting RoP today, or continuing the pm? I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am going to try to incorporate the suggestions from DD into my training. Half of me wanted to start the pm over again with heavier weights, but...
  17. deanie


    Jane::: YEAH!!!! FOR 1ST PLACE!!!:D:D:D:D:D Don't sell yourself short. You did a great job and deserve the recognition!!! I bit the bullet and posted on DD forums:eek: I'm still...
  18. deanie


    Good Morning gals Jane: I hope your race went well today! DS10 had soccer this morning, he ROCKED the goalie position!!! I was surprised and proud!!! I knew he was good, but didn't realize how good! He stopped every attempt at a goal!! (4) in the quarter!! today was a test day for me. I was...
  19. deanie


    Good Afternoon Gayle::: Fun workout with Rascal :) I like your cash out! Pavel does rock!!!! :cool: I totally agree swings and tgu's help your snatches! Jane::: Good luck on your races! Have fun. Hope mom is doing well. No workout for me today, I was going to stretch, but decided to sleep in...
  20. deanie

    xoxo kettlebell thursday xoxo

    Viking Warrior: free download: