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  1. Muscle Car

    Destroyed by the Hungries!

    Yep, Happened to me today :p and I was prepared! A customer brought in a banana cream pie for everyone at work. Banana cream pie hmmm...I'm thinking to myself, no worries I can resist this NOT :D So I had a small piece and it was good! Like fit_fairy said no regrets :D
  2. Muscle Car

    My new favorite Jazz Musician

    Have you guys listened to Bernie Williams? A classically trained guitar player who played for the Yankees for 16 years. This guy is amazing and so talented! He was on Huckabee and played an instrumental version of "Take Me Out...
  3. Muscle Car

    The Ultimate Contraversy! Are you...

    LOL :D :p Too funny!
  4. Muscle Car

    Happy Birthday, Catherine (fit fairy)

    Happy Birthday Catherine! Have a great day :D
  5. Muscle Car

    Once again please hug your pet...

    Awww I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie :( (((Hugs to you Peggy))))
  6. Muscle Car

    The Ultimate Contraversy! Are you...

    Oh my gosh Liann, those pictures are so funny :D Thanks for sharing! I love'em both, can't decide :p Here's half of my crew :D
  7. Muscle Car

    Happy birthdy Vrinda!

    Happy Birthday Vee!!! Love reading your posts :) Have a wonderful day!
  8. Muscle Car

    Happy Birthday Lorrie (aka L_Sass)

    Happy Birthday Lorrie!!!!! Have a great day!!
  9. Muscle Car

    Fireproof and fireproof your marriage

    I agree! I thought it was pretty cool that his wife stood in for the kissing scene:)
  10. Muscle Car

    Prayers and thoughts please!

    Prayers and (((hugs))) to you and family.
  11. Muscle Car

    Are you annoying?

    A-Jock I had to laugh when you mentioned "a left-cheek-sneak " reminds me of George Carlin's Cute Little Farts :D
  12. Muscle Car

    Calling all Triathletes...

    Shana I don't have any advice for you, but I say DO IT GIRL :D I'll be cheering ya on! You'll do just fine :D
  13. Muscle Car

    My new little boy . . . .

    OMG Travis he is soooo cute!! I love little Rocky :D Here comes the puppy breath!
  14. Muscle Car

    My 1st doggie run!

    Go Vlad Go!!! Great to hear you two had an awesome run! High five to you and Vlad :D
  15. Muscle Car

    sleepbarking dogs...

    My dogs do this as well :p It just makes ya wonder what's going on in those little brains :D
  16. Muscle Car

    Little House on the Prairie!

    Me too drover! I couldn't wait to see the horses :D I loved Little House, I always catch the reruns and it brings back great memories. My Mom, Dad, and I always watched it together when I was a little girl :) My Dad is gone now so I always like to see the reruns:)
  17. Muscle Car

    Happy Birthday Robin!!!!!! (Buffettgirl)

    Happy Birthday Robin!! Have a great day :D
  18. Muscle Car

    The Truth About Cardio

    Joe agrees :)
  19. Muscle Car

    Tracie Long?

    There was some talk about a month ago over at VF and Ya Ya's that she wanted to film again.
  20. Muscle Car

    Saying good bye to my dog...

    Oh Lori, so sorry for your loss :( It brought me to tears reading your post. (((((((((HUGS)))))))