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  1. L

    how do you deal with someone when they make you

    I understand what you all are saying but when you constantly see this coach yelling not speaking to the same kids, one of them yours and not doing the same to his own children it gets to ya sometimes. My DH was talking to the assistant coach lastnight and this coach agrees that the head coach...
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    Famous Daves Face Tanner

    i have the fair skin face tanner and havent had problems so far but I recently have been using the regular tanner because my face hasnt gotten much color with the face tanner. my face was definately lighter than my arms where.
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    Ab Coaster

    I saw the infomercial on this.It looks like it would work but I went to the website and they want wayyyy to much money for it.
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    how do you deal with someone when they make you

    thanks, he is 8 one of the youngest on the team. the group is 8-10 yr olds. I thought the same thing so I am trying to show him stuff and I also told him to not be first in line with the drills so he can watch a couple of kids ahead of him go first and see how they do it. He didthis at the game...
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    Itrain #13

    I am gonna get #19 this week. Belinda #21 has only 3 intervals and they are all I think 2 minutes except the last one is longer. but you run at a good pace the entire time even recovery times are at a pretty decent pace. with #13 you get walking breaks and I dont know if this is why I was able...
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    Itrain #13

    I did this for the first time tonight. I was really worried it would be too hard for me but suprisingly enough I got thru it pretty darn good. I even extended the last sprint at the high end for the entire 4 minutes without music . I burned them to cds today and for some reason the last few...
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    how do you deal with someone when they make you

    the game went well and my son did pretty good. my son after the game said the coach told him that your doing better garett. I was just glad he didnt pick on my son and everything went good. I didnt need to get mad today so I am thankful for that.
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    how do you deal with someone when they make you

    thanks for the support. today is the teams first game, lets see how it goes. I hope he doesnt descriminate against my son because it will make me mad but I will give him the coach, the benefit of the doubt first. wish us, me and my son luck!!
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    how do you deal with someone when they make you

    thanks ladies, I appreciate your support and advice. Ithought maybe I was going to sound to harsh by saying what how mad it gets me. and believe me when I am mad I dont care how big the person is or if its female or male I will tell face them without hesitation, especially if it has to do with...
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    how do you deal with someone when they make you

    mad when it comes to your kids? I am usually an easy going person but when someone says something about one of my kids I get so pissed off and want to go grab them by the hair of their head. My sons coach told my husband tonight that one of my boys isnt proving himself as soccer player. My son...
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    Itrain 24?

    thanks ladies, I will definately get it along with a couple more I am looking at. One is 19, gayle had recommended that one. I have the 60 min outdoor one I think #5 and havent used that yet either.
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    Itrain 24?

    does anyone have this workout? I really like itrain 21, is it just as good of workout? I like the interval workouts best.
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    Garmin users?

    thanks. I was just wondering because this was my best time and if the course isnt accurate then it wouldnt be my best time for a 5k. But inside a football field with 4 walls but no ceiling could affect it because I was standing outside the ymca but by the wall and door and my garmin couldnt pick...
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    bsn protein

    I just received my choc fudge pudding and cinnamon roll on monday. I thought the choc mixed up great. I only used the shaker and no lumps,just a tasty treat that is good for you.
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    yes but at gnc they already had it premade in bottles as well as the powder. I bought the premade first to make sure I was going to like it. its on sale buy one get one half off to at least it was last wednesday. but I made sure it was cytosport fast twitch.
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    bsn protein

    I just tried the choc fudge pudding protein powder with just water and it tasted like a malt shake. I couldnt believe how goood it was. thanks for recommending this!!
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    I finally tried cortosport. I bought the bottles at gnc. Not bad and I think it gave me more energy during class, less muscle fatigue the next day as well. thanks!
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    bsn protein

    I just bought some of this protein with you guys suggesting it but I was wondering what all you mix it with. plain water, if so is it good that way. juices, etc.. I bought the choc fudge pudding and cinnamon roll. cant wait to try them and finally have another way of adding protein to my diet.
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    sunless tanner rave!

    good idea, do you put lotion on your body after the tanner as well?
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    Garmin users?

    april- yes I had it on in plenty of time. It was around a college university, no really inclosed areas other than a football field. we had to run inside the field ,it was outside but had walls surrounding it. I stopped it right at the clock as well as started it. I have the garmin 301,never had...