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  1. pinkquinn

    Plyo legs STS strength

    tpa girl yeah-figured that, but the cardio component is murder. my legs were actually not as sore because i dropped the wieghts but my hr was spiking. Plyo legs are soooooooooooo tough i get ripped just watching it.:p
  2. pinkquinn

    If you've lost weight doing STS...

    I lowered carbs and ate protien and veg when hungry
  3. pinkquinn

    I just started STS and I'm already exhausted! Help!

    i know EXACTLY how you feel. My baby is 4mo and I have a 2 yr and 6yr old i required way more sleep. I dropped the cardio...just couldnt do it. I always adjust the weights to where I can finish a workout (except legs, I still have to do half the work out and the other half the next day or I...
  4. pinkquinn

    STS ? about double wave loading

    did ankle weights on my wrists--worked like a charm
  5. pinkquinn

    Plyo legs STS strength

    is she trying to KILLLL MEEEEEE????? once again i HAD to stop in the middle of the work out. and once again i will have finish it later on in the week what the heck?! anyone else struggling to finish a friggn' leg work out? I NEVER EVER would have guessed that my upper body was so...
  6. pinkquinn

    The Low Intensity Experiment: Preliminary Results (Longish)

    kariev i definately have trigger foods. I stay away from wheat corn and SUGAR!!!!! u are right dont beat urself up, just get on track. congradulations on your healthy mindset
  7. pinkquinn

    The Low Intensity Experiment: Preliminary Results (Longish)

    you all might have seen my frustrated posting recently because of my 2month plateau I went on vacation during my recovery week (on meso three now). I had some real sugar tho I lost FIVE pounds in 6 days!!!!!! dont know if it was water or what but my stomach is flatter...
  8. pinkquinn

    Mixing STS and Insanity.

    my insanity is in the mail!!!!!!!!!!! I am on meso 3 I have 10 lbs to lose til prepregnancy weight. I feel so much stronger and energetic. I went on vacation last week during my recovery week....watched my diet but had some cheats. I broke through a 2 month pleateu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lost...
  9. pinkquinn

    Mixing STS and Insanity.

    soo how is it going with the sts and insanity combo? just bought insanity and preordered sts cardio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wondering what the results have been. I was needing to add one more leg workout, i figured insanity ought to do the job.