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    Duke rape case - did anyone watch 60 Minutes?

    I hope those boys find some way to prosecute the DA who ruined their futures.
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    KK's October Check In

    Good evening ladies. Karen, hope your weekend wasn't too hectic with helping your friend. Jeanette, hope you enjoyed the wedding. Rhea, hope all is well with you. I didn't quite stick to my plan this weekend. My glutes were pretty sore from the KM leg drills, so I didn't feel up to...
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    More fast paced, complex choreography step

    I want this so badly too! -Becky
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    Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type

    The only thing that makes blood types blood types are little antigens on our red blood cells that tell us that they are "ours" or "foreign". They have absolutely nothing to do with diet. Sounds like a gimmick. -Becky 2nd year medical student
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    Do you brush your dogs teeth?

    I use an ear cleaner called Corium. It makes their ears smell like baby powder. I use it after every bath. -Becky
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    KK's October Check In

    Good evening ladies! Happy Friday! Last night I ended up adding on some time on the elliptical machine while studying. I ended up not getting around to doing abs yesterday since I fell asleep right after getting home for class and didn't wake up for 2 hours! It sure felt good, but threw my...
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    Cool new product for indoor dogs

    It supposedly has special sod where when you water it, urine filters out into that tray and you empty the tray. Supposedly it doesn't smell. -Becky
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    Cool new product for indoor dogs

    I just found this...many of you may already know about it. I just got one for my Yorkie. Check out this website: Such a simple idea...I don't know why I didn't think of it first! -Becky
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    Emy...fruit chewies recipe pretty please?

    I would love to know this too!
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    KK's October Check In

    Good morning ladies. Karen, so glad to hear your reactions wasn't anaphylaxis! I am glad your brother-in-law found a new suitable dye. How annoying that must have been! Last night I got really antsy and didn't feel like doing the elliptical so I did BodyBlast Series timesaver #1 minus...
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    KK's October Check In

    Good evening ladies. Yeap, today was the day. Got my scores. Everything was great...except I got a B in pharmacology. Luckily it is only a 2 credit class. I am very happy though. That was one hard block! Today I did LowMax. I know I have complained in the past about all the repeaters...
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    KK's October Check In

    Good morning ladies! Last night I did a 30 minute run add-on on the elliptical while studying. This AM I did High Step Challenge. I really like that workout. Tonight I may add on some more elliptical stuff. Karen, hope you HSC went well today too. Keep up the good work on that weight...
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    KK's October Check In

    Hi ladies. Yesterday was a rest day for me. So needed it. My quads were really sore from LL on Saturday. Those sit and stands killed me. Today I did IMAX 2 and then some abwork from Ab Hits. I might hit the elliptical machine tonight. Here's my rotation for the week: M: IMAX 2...
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    LDL Lowering Diet

    I think you should try a well-balanced diet. Go ahead and throw bad fats out the window, but don't let him eat all that sugar! For 55, his cholesterol numbers are admirable, especially after having put on 15 lbs recently. I think the best thing to do is get rid of that 30 lbs. Increase...
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    LDL Lowering Diet

    Honestly, with an HDL of 63, he is fine. We like HDL to be over 50 and LDL to be below 100. But...HDL actually has a protecting effect. So, his higher HDL is protecting him from his borderline LDL. Keep up with your healthy eating. Cholesterol is only 1 risk factor for heart disease...
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    KK's October Check In

    Good afternoon ladies! The misery is over...the test is done! I won't know how I did until Wednesday though. Anyway, I haven't checked in since Wednesday but I have done my workouts. Thursday I did CTX Upper Body and the bonus butt workout Friday I did Rhythmic Step (love that...
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    Question for all

    I agree. My grandmother just got her bachelors in social work. She's in her 70s. -Becky
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    Protein grams per day rule of thumb...?

    Take your weight in lbs and divide by 2.2 to get it into kilograms. Then multiply that by 0.8 to get how many grams of protein per day. A few grams over is good, but going too high stresses the kidneys too much -Becky
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    Cathe: Your opinion on my workout split please??

    Just thought I'd pipe in to say not to avoid carbs. Our bodies need them and by not eating carbs, you are really taxing your kidneys. Low carb/no carb diets have thrown people into kidney failure. Dialysis isn't fun. -Becky
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    KK's October Check In

    Good afternoon ladies. Today I did Cardio Kicks and then segment 1 of Coremax. I am in my study marathon now. Nothing else but study, w/o, sleep until Friday at 7:45 when I pour my brain out on paper! Karen, hope you enjoyed that step workout. I know what you mean about the world being...