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  1. M

    Lifting like girls

    Oh, and Lisa, my DD is ALSO none too pleased with the 'delaying gratification' element of having presents already in place under the tree! And the ornaments are migrating UPWARDS... Are you still freezing cold in Idaho? :(
  2. M

    Lifting like girls

    Justine, I'm not really sure which metabolic 'type' I am. Perhaps I change quickly? I did find that the weight didn't come and didn't come and then it felt the number on the scale spiked quickly. Not sure 100% what to make of that. I can't tell how much is muscle. They say if your 10RM is going...
  3. M

    Most sensible woman in fitness?

    Obviously I am late to this party, but I just want to echo what everybody has said. Nia is awesome. I love her no-nonsense sensibilities and honest approach. I also echo what others have said that she's amazing about responding to emails! I've really been enjoying her recent podcasts, and I'm...
  4. M

    Lifting like girls

    Hi, Commandos! It has been a crazy week and will only get busier! I've still managed to squeeze in my workouts. Yesterday was bench. Basically the same as last week with wee improvements (really wee) in each lift. Then a walk later. This morning, I was lying in bed at oh-dark-thirty (thank...
  5. M

    Lifting like girls

    Happy weekend, Commandos! Hope everyone's holiday prep is fun and not stressful! (I'm just letting the holiday stress go to my head this year. I'm hopeless. Bleh.) Anyways, I needed to feel powerful this morning. Luckily, it's deadlift day! This workout of OTF is tough and I have to pace myself...
  6. M

    Lifting like girls

    LOL, Lisa, I couldn't have put it better myself. Re: popping, I feel like the only thing that's 'popping' is the muffin top. (only sort of kidding) And thanks for the Circuit Max rec -- I will check it out! Haven't tried that one, I don't think. I'm right there with ya, baby! It's just too...
  7. M

    Lifting like girls

    Justine, fabulous work on the DLs! You will hit your goal of 110 soon! One arm rows with 30kg? I guess I've been sandbagging on those... :oops: I usually use 45-55 lbs, depending on rep range. So, in the RP women's ebook (which I seriously recommend if you decide to embark on something like...
  8. M

    Lifting like girls

    Good morning, Commandos! This morning was barbell strict presses, 65# x9, x8, x8, x6; 60# x7; 55#x2x8. BB rows 95#x4x12. Farmers carries, DB squeeze presses, and hanging leg raises. Lisa, THANK YOU for those cardio step add-on rec's -- I will use them soon, for sure! I was going to add one on...
  9. M

    Lifting like girls

    Lib, congrats on your outstanding academic accomplishments! I understand the 'blah' after a big effort. Sounds you're channeling it well with GS and cleaning! :) Tom, amazing DLs! That's some great volume, what are you saying?! Justine, I can't believe you do these brutal bodyweight workouts...
  10. M

    Lifting like girls

    Hi everyone, Exactly, Lisa. Thanks for your vote of confidence. I think deep inside, I agree, but there's still an anxiety about it. Like Justine said, changing food intake messes with my head. But that's the biggest reason why I'm doing this -- it's totally outside my comfort zone and I'm...
  11. M

    Help with Pull up Bands

    Hi Brigitte, Pallof (OK, I guess it's just one 'f' -- my mistake) Presses: And resistance band good mornings (I have been doing these as part of my program recently, but I think I'm going to start using them as a deadlift warmup, because they activate the glutes nicely and really give me that...
  12. M

    Lifting like girls

    What is this, some kinda Grateful Deadlift festival? Tom's off eating special brownies to increase his appetite, Justine's doing lines of creatine, what's next?!
  13. M

    Help with Pull up Bands

    Agreed! I have been using mine for Palloff presses and resistance band good mornings, to name a couple. Keep us posted, Brigitte!
  14. M

    Lifting like girls

    THIS!!! and sorry about the bad reaction :( sounds terrible! Take it easy, follow your muse, etc. :)
  15. M

    Lifting like girls

    Justine, oh no! So sorry you got sick. :( Are you sure there aren't any stimulants in what you took? (Ditto for you, Karen?) I don't have personal experience, but I think a lot of those pre-workout things have some kind of stimulant or other. I've never felt any direct effect from creatine (save...
  16. M

    Lifting like girls

    Happy Monday, Commandos! Karen, hope you caught at least a halfway decent # of zzzzz's! It's tough to get up so early when the days are so short. Nice job on HoCo. Lisa/Karen, I mentioned my weight drop yesterday because it was one of those WTH moments, but I'm definitely not losing weight. I'm...
  17. M

    Help with Pull up Bands

    Hi Brigitte, I have this one: I purchased the blue #3. I weigh 140-145 lbs and could do only a couple unassisted pullups when I bought it. I can do more now, but still use it when I want to get higher volume in. I'm very happy with the purchase. Roz
  18. M

    Lifting like girls

    Exactly! And your 'loos' (loux? :p ) flush the other way 'round, of course. It is totally weird. My only thought is that I might have been slightly bloated at the start due to an ingredient in a protein powder I was taking (but am not taking any longer). But I'm just scrounging for an answer...
  19. M

    Lifting like girls

    Happy Sunday, commandos! Today was bench press -- 5 sets 6-9 reps each, starting with 100 and working down to 80 or 85. Close grip BP 65# 4x12 or something. Then 4 sets each of flys (20-25s), front raises (15s), and skullcrushers (20s-17s). Then I copycatted Lisa (awesome workout, BTW!) and...
  20. M

    Workout Supplements

    In addition to what Nathalie posted above, there's an ongoing discussion of creatine as a workout supplement here (feel free to chime in) -- I think it starts about halfway down the page: Here's the original article that Justinef...