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  1. S

    Interval Max...Yow!

    power scissors,shmower scissors I remember reading smeone referring to the power scissors as "POWER SPASMS" and that is what I look like when I try to do them. Im kills me, but I have to make myself throw it in my rotations every week (but it turns into every other week instead). To think...
  2. S

    Cathe's Cardio Tapes versus Firm's

    Funny, before I discovered Cathe, Firm tapes were the end all-- I used to take a 45 min walk on a low energy day.. Then AFTER discovering Cathe, I use my Firms as an alternate when I am not feeling like I can take on the world! Cathe has bumped up my fitness to the next level for sure! Of...
  3. S

    The toughest step video?

    RE: Re: BODYMAX gee-- lets see-- bodymax is long and grueling and tortuous (I love it!) and IM is a bit shorter, but kicks your butt just as much. Decisions, decisions...
  4. S

    Question about Rotations

    i wonder then, why there is always the cardio section at the beginning of fitness videos, as opposed to beginning with the weight training session, then cardio after. I have often wondered about this, and wonder if I should be doing cathes tapes (cxt series) backwards???-