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  1. M

    eating right

    Thanks Debra - I'll see if I can find it at the library. I love rice and beans and fruit and veggies so it would be great to have good recipes with more of those things included.
  2. M

    eating right

    Thanks Kathy! I'll check and see if they have that book. I have read a lot of books but a lot of them seem to have foods that are kinda expensive or just kind of wierd! I have a big family with some picky eaters and not that huge of a budget to spend on food. I wish that fish and chicken was...
  3. M

    don't send me hate mail...

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-01 AT 02:40PM (Est)[p]Wendy, am pretty sure I am guilty of doing this, partly out of ignorance and I do apologize for the misuse. I think I'm starting to catch on a little better now! (although I still don't know how to use the cute little faces, maybe someone could...
  4. M

    eating right

    So this is what I think: It seems like everything I read says "if you really crave something you should eat it, but just a little bit to satisfy the craving or you may end up eating a lot of it later." That never seems to work for me! If I eat a little bit than I always want more and if I...
  5. M

    eating right

    Thanks for the replies! I probably did word that wrong - I am *overfat*! I would just like to tighten everything up and fast! I know, I know, slow and steady... I am really bad when it comes to sugar and have recently decided to make a real effort to cut back on that. I'm pretty good as...
  6. M

    eating right

    Hello! I was just reading some posts about losing weight and was wondering if anyone had gone to a registered dietician to get help with setting up a good eating plan? I have read a lot of books on the subject, but I guess my main problem is how many calories are going to be the magic amount...
  7. M


    Ryka seems to be the name that keeps popping up so I think I will go try some on and then see if I can get them cheaper online. Thanks for the input! I have a good friend who can't excersise in the morning so she gets it done pretty late at night too. I just want to go to bed and sleep! : )
  8. M

    what video next?

    Thanks for the advice! I think at first I find both choreography and the intensity challenging! There seems to be 3 tapes that always get mentioned when people are asking for good starting out tapes: Step Heat, Step Works, and Mega Step Blast, so I think I'll decide between those three. Does...
  9. M

    what video next?

    RE: I'm still on the six kids at 30.... LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-01 AT 02:41PM (Est)[p]You TRULY didn't offend me at all, I thought you were very nice in your post to me. I probably didn't even need to mention that I have half a dozen kids! It's just they are the reason I'm on this fitness quest...
  10. M

    what video next?

    RE: I'm still on the six kids at 30.... Man, I hope I'm not being annoying! After I read the replies to my first post and then posted another message, I got offline and didn't think I'd get back on until tomorrow. But I just keep thinking about this and I know it'll bug me until I address it...
  11. M


    Thank you so much for the input. I did the cardio portion of the wedding tape again today (2nd time) and felt like I was getting it down pretty good. That gives me some more confidence that with time I will probably be able to get the steps down on some of the other tapes. (I hope!) I will...
  12. M

    what video next?

    Hi! This is my first time ever posting to anyone about anything, I hope I make sense! I love this site, you are all so friendly and gracious with sharing your experiences and thoughts. I'm a 30 year old mother of six children (ages: 10,8,7,5, 3 and 18 months). I have been doing Kathy Smith's...