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  1. T

    A reminder please

    Sorry. I'm so embarrassed.
  2. T

    Repeat stress fractures!!

    I had a stress fracture in the spring as a result of overzealous training for a half marathon. Since then, I've lost about twenty pounds and the only running that I've done is very conservative training for a 5K over the course of about six weeks. I ran the 5K about a month ago and in the last...
  3. T

    Muscle Endurance is on right now!!!

    I thought the same thing! I just finished Firm Strength and I checked to see what was on Fit TV while I was rewinding it. I just checked to see what was on because the programming has been a little different since it became Fit TV rather than The Health Channel. I thought, "I was just doing The...
  4. T

    article on heavy vs. light workouts

    I read that article the other day and I was a bit confused for a moment. Then, I realized that it was written for people (specifically men, I assume) who don't know that a day of rest is to be inserted between strength workouts. Just as women frequently lean too heavily on cardio when they first...
  5. T

    Incorporating heavy weights at the gym

    Dear Cathe, I used to go to do all my weight work at a gym. I wasn't all that consistent, but at my strongest, I could squat 190 and bench 100 (I know that's not a lot, really but considering that I started at 45 pounds, I thought it was pretty good.) Anyway, now I'd like to incorporate the...