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  1. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/18-24

    feeling hunger Yeah, feeling hunger is weird and they talk about it in the book A LOT. Like how dieters are used to ignoring it and can even be afraid to feel it. To me, hunger is when my stomach just starts to feel a bit hollow. If I ignore it for an hour or so then it starts to affect my...
  2. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/18-24

    "the world must've been WAY more fun before some idiot invented diets!! My goal is to just flip the finger to the diet mindset, and live well, eat well, and enjoy all of God's blessings. " LOL!!!! Nic14 you are so on the money. Ya know, I've got this growing...
  3. G

    Good books on nutrition that won't cause relapse?

    RE: Good books on nutrition..Hollycat Holly, I haven't walked in your shoes but I think I understand your jadedness a bit. Part of me is thinking, "Yeah, I'll eat like this and then just gain 5 million pounds and be more freaked out than when I started". But you know, I just can't diet...
  4. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/18-24

    Hi Jillybean, Sarah, Hollycat, and all others interested, This check-in was started from the discussion about nutrition books that encourage healthy eating but maintain a healthy relationship to food. The book "Intuitive Eating" came up and, well, the book is amazing. It gives eight steps of...
  5. G

    Good books on nutrition that won't cause relapse?

    RE: Good books on nutrition..Hollycat Holly, Thank you so much for posting. You're right..I also hate all the wasted time spent because of my poor relationship with food and my bod. There are so many important and amazing things in the world and I want to be able to focus on them more. I'm...
  6. G

    Good books on nutrition that won't cause relapse?

    RE: Good books on nutrition..check-in! Alright! I'll start the checkin as a topic "Intuitive Eating Check-in" See you there!
  7. G

    Good books on nutrition that won't cause relapse?

    RE: Good books on nutrition..check-in? Sara and Jillybean and anyone else interested... Would you be interested in a check-in? We could follow the principles of the "Intuitive Eating" book and talk about experiences along the way. I love to exercise and the feeling of eating healthy, but I...
  8. G

    starting all over again...

    RE: thank you all for the great advice ! Another vote with the majority here - your words describe so well the viscious cycle of being on a diet that just doesn't fit. There's another thread here about nutrition books and "Intuitive Eating" is a fantastic book. Eat to feel energized, good...
  9. G

    Good books on nutrition that won't cause relapse?

    RE: Good books on nutrition...Debra Waterhouse Hi Jillybean, Congratulations on being so proactive in dealing with this. I'm on the borderline here too and trying to be less obsessed about it. I've found Debra Waterhouse's book "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell" to be good - she doesn't...