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  1. S


    Thanks Sheila for the information, I will definitely check out "Fit to Deliver". I just want to make sure I do everything I can during my pregnancy to maintain my fitness, and do it right at the same time. Thanks Again !!! Linda
  2. S


    Thanks! The library was the first placed I looked and they didn't have James Clapp's book or "Expecting Fitness". So I have ordered "Expecting Fitness" and it should be in next week. It's great that James Clapp is updating his book, but I wonder when it will come out ??? Linda
  3. S


    RE: Look here. :-) Thanks for the information. Unforunately I look at all the sources listed in that thread, and still have not been able to locate it.Guess I'll just keep looking. Thanks, Linda
  4. S


    LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-01 AT 01:48PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-01 AT 01:48 PM (Est) I am 6 weeks pregnant and desperately tring to find a copy of James Clapp's book "Exercising Through Your Pregancy". Does anyone have any thoughts on how I might find a copy ? Thanks, Linda