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  1. J

    Muscle Conditioning/Weight Loss

    Roe, You bring up a good point. I can see (LOL) feel muscle underneath my fat right now and I think if your goal is to slim down and you feel like you may be getting bigger before smaller we tend to shy away from it. I am a victim to overdose on cardio listening to others advise informing me...
  2. J

    Muscle Conditioning/Weight Loss

    Roe, Let me ask you this. I have read various books that talk about women weight training and it was saying that women can train 6days a week to get a long and lean look to lengthen the muscle vs. the traditional training where you have rest days in between. Based on what you said about...
  3. J

    Muscle Conditioning/Weight Loss

    I have a resistance band, body ball and a set of 40lb hand weights that you can interchange the weights on them. I would consider myself on a scale 1-10 at least about 8.5. My lower body strength is a lot stronger than upper body. What I mean by that is when I do a body pump class at the gym I...
  4. J

    Muscle Conditioning/Weight Loss

    Hello all, I am new to this forum but not new to fitness. I work out at the gym a few days a week however, I am looking for some strengh training videos to do at home. I take 2 classes a week at the gym that have strengh training in them. I would like to get the cardio as well however, I...