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    Weight loss while breastfeeding

    I am curious to know, I too am breastfeeding and though I only breast feed at night. I don't think I am producing as much milk anymore. Do you think this can be attributed to working out.
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    Weight loss while breast feeding

    I am curious to know, I too am breastfeeding and though I only breast feed at night. I don't think I am producing as much milk anymore. Do you think this can be attributed to working out.
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    What's Next

    Hi Cathe, I was curious to know how often do you bring out a new video and how soon after the hardcore series would you be likely to be producing more videos.
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    Cathe on fit-tv

    Hi all, I have just discovered Cathe and really enjoy her workouts. However, I am from Barbados and to have the videos shipped here is rather expensive with shipping and especially when taxes are added on. Does anyone have any tapes they may have copied from fit tv and would like to get rid...
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    Endurance vs strength

    what does "BUMP" mean. I see it alot scrichlow03
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    Hi Cathe I notice that you use barbells in your videos alot. can I get away with using free weights instead. Will the exercises still be as effective scrichlow03