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  1. M


    Clare, thank you for your input. I do have the muscle endurance workout and cardio bootcamp. What is the PH and MM workouts? Sorry, I'm new to the forum :). Should I avoid doing the Muscle Max workout? I think that is what increased the muscles in my back and upper body. I noticed too that...
  2. M


    Hi Cathe, I have a couple of questions for you. How many hours a day, and how many days a week do you workout? I usually workout 1 1/2 hours per day, 5 days a week. I usually do cardio every day for 40 - 60 min., then weight train for 45-60 min 2-3 days a week, and then abs 3 x's a week. Is...
  3. M

    The Ask Cathe Forum

    Hi Cathe, I started doing your workouts last fall and I love them! I didn't think there was anything more challenging than Tae Bo get ripped so thank you! My question is; how many hours a day do you recommend working out? My friend thinks I'm overdoing it by working out 1 1/2 - 2 hours a...