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  1. R

    BFL Checkin 1/27/05

    Morning everyone, I did 30 minute HIIT on the treadmill B - 1/2 english muffin w/lf cream cheese, cottage cheese w/yogurt S - cheese, lf triscuits or balance go mix L - chicken soup S - BFL bar D - leftover BFL chicken burritos and salad Hope everyone is doing well. Can't believe...
  2. R

    BFL Checkin 1/26/05

    Morning everyone, Today was PUB (except abs) and I was proud of myself with keeping up with Cathe in weights. I matched her for everything except bi's, she does 10-12-15 and I did 8-10-12 and was dying with the 12's. One day I will break through this. B - 1/2 english muffin w/lf cream...
  3. R

    For anyone who ordered.......after July 4th

    Cathe and crew work very hard at getting all the pre-orders out as quickly as they can. I ordered in September and don't expect my shipment til mid-late February. I would guess that it may take a good couple of weeks for Cathe and crew to get all the orders out. I am guessing but they do work...
  4. R

    Is Cathe Back?

    >Hi Rhonda! Yes I am back after a long weekend stuck in >Orlando airport waititng for Philadelphia airport to open due >to the big storm. > >Yesterday I was away doing some film clips for Fit Tv but I'm >hoping to be on the forums for a bit today. > >Thanks for your concern:)...
  5. R

    BFL Checkin 1/25/05

    Morning everyone, Did 30 minute HIIT this morning on the bike. Wasn't as good as I have done but I did it. My legs just seemed to be heavy and didn't want to move. Then I did PS Abs B - cottage cheese w/yogurt, 1/2 english muffin w/lf cream cheese S - cheese, lf triscuits L - not...
  6. R

    Is Cathe Back?

    I know she was going to the big show last week and she is busy with the new workouts but I miss seeing her responses to posts. Cathe is everything OK. Hope you got dug out from the storm this weekend. We had 12.5 inches ourselves so we were also digging out. Rhonda
  7. R

    BFL Checkin 1/24/05

    Can't believe it is Monday already. What a weekend with all the snow. Official measure was 12.6 inches of snow. That was at the closest airport to us, about 30-40 minutes away in Lansing. So I shoveled for an hour on Saturday and hubby plowed us out. Winter can go away now, I am ready for...
  8. R

    Who's in the storm track?

    I guess we are in the storm track also (in MI), according to the forecast we could get 5-10". Oh joy, I wish winter was over. I am not a snowbird : ) Rhonda
  9. R

    BFL Checkin 1/21/05

    Morning everyone, Boy I am tired again today but at least it is Friday. My legs are on fire right now. I did PLB up only (went 50 lbs on squats and plies) and then I did gliding and sliding. I slide while Mindy is doing the cardio portion and then I join her on the discs when she gets to...
  10. R

    BFL Check In 1/20/05

    Shopgirl - not a problem that is what we are here for to help and motivate each other. Sooner or later I will need those pep talks. I am getting pizza on Saturday, we are going over to some friends and ordering it. I can't wait. Has anyone tried those Hershey Health Zone bars? They...
  11. R

    BFL Check In 1/20/05

    Free day is almost here....I take mine on the weekend so if you do to then it is only a couple days can hang in can do it...we are in this together... I am trying to help, Rhonda
  12. R

    BFL Check In 1/20/05

    Morning everyone, Today was 30 minute HIIT on the bike. Then I did about 10 minutes of yoga. I am hoping to squeeze in something tonight but not sure. B - english muffin with low fat cream cheese/ricotta cheese mix S - cheese, hb egg L - salad w/ crab S - BFL bar D - going out with...
  13. R

    BFL Checkin 1/19/05

    HI Everyone, I wanted to do HSTA but slept in just a little and ended up doing MIS Upper and 12 minutes of yoga. My eating today hopefully will look something like this: B - english muffin w/lf cream cheese, cottage cheese mixed w/yogurt S - cheese, lf triscuits L - salad w/crab S...
  14. R

    What do you drink when you're working out?

    Water, water and more water. Rhonda
  15. R

    BFL Check - In 1/18/05

    Morning BFLers Hope everyone is having a good day. This morning I did 30 minute HIIT on the bike, Power Hour abs, and Candlelight Yoga 15 minute energizer B - English muffin w/egg salad S - cheese, lf triscuits L - tuna casserole, carrots S - BFL bar D - either spaghetti & Meatballs...
  16. R

    Healthy Eating 1/18/05

    Hi Everyone, Today I did 30 minute HIIT, 15 minute Candlelight Energizer Yoga, and Power Hour Abs B - English muffin w/ egg salad S - cheese, lf triscuits L - carrots, tuna casserole S - BFL Bar D - either spaghetti or taco pasta salad (both from EFL) Hope everyone has a good day...
  17. R

    Is there a new Cathe home page?

    They are to the right of that picture. you can see the DVDs and the colors. Rhonda
  18. R

    BFL Checkin 1/17/05

    For anyone doing BFL - if it is by the book or not. I figured I would start this thread to give us BFLers a place to ask questions, help others and just keep the motivation going. I have been doing the BFL eating plan (maybe not to the tee) since the new year and seem to be doing well...
  19. R

    Results with BFL

    Don't give up quite yet. Some plans take a while before you see results. I have incorporate BFL eating into my working out and have lost 5 pounds in two weeks. I am doing Cathe workouts and in the evening do a gliding workout. on the cardio days I do HIIT for 30 minutes on my bike and abs and...
  20. R

    Healthy Eating 1/17/05

    Morning everyone, This morning I did MIS Legs and Gliding Leg routine. B - english muffin w/egg salad S - cheese, lf triscuits L - ?? S - BFL bar D - leftover steak, zuchini, lf pierogies Hope everyone is enjoying the day. I know there are a lot of people that don't have to work...