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  1. J

    Help!!!! my aching knees

    Your lunge modification sounds very safe. Why didn't I think of that? I'm going to try it this afternoon. Thanks!!!
  2. J

    Pure Strength vs Slow & Heavy

    RE: Pure Strength vs S and H Thank you both for your advice. S&H is now on my list and I will be very careful of my knees. I don't want to end up with an injury so I will modify as I go along. I'll only use as much weight as I can with correct form. I've already learned that the hard way. My...
  3. J

    Help!!!! my aching knees

    I also have bad knees. I use an ACE elastic wrap on both and that prevents pain while I'm working out. Sometimes I get an uncomfortable "twinge" and I know not to continue that particular movement the way I'm doing it, and check my form. I do lunges more slowly and carefully and if I don't do as...
  4. J

    Pure Strength vs Slow & Heavy

    I'm new to Cathe and need some advice. First of all I'm 52 and just trying to get back into shape after a 2 year slug cycle. I've used "Firm" tapes since about 1987 but now I only use them for cardio and I alternate the Pure Strength series afterward. I'm trying to burn fat with the cardio and...