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  1. F

    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

    I wish you were local!! I would love to have a trainer but don't even know how to go about finding one that is knowledgeable about BC and what is ok and what isn't in my area.
  2. F

    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

    Thank you and congrats to you! 5 Years sounds so far away right now! (My chemo just ended April 18th) I was fortunate enough to not have to endure radiation, but the 8 rounds of chemo was enough! I had been a runner for a few years - just 3-5 miles 3 to 6 nights a week, but the last year...
  3. F

    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

    Thank you so much. I don't have anyone really to talk to about all this stuff that completely understands, but it sounds as if you do. I know that working out did wonders for me, but so many women are more sick than I ever was. I would love to see something out there for women that is safe...
  4. F

    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

    I recently have had to battle breast cancer, this is becoming an epidemic in our young women in their 30's (even 20's and teens believe it or not). I am desperately trying to get my life back, my health back. It has been hard to find exersice videos tailored to this avenue. I have been lucky...