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  1. L


    Hydroxycut Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and input. I do have a subscription to Oxygen and that is where I have been reading about it. Isnt Oxygen distributed from Canada??? Odd that Hydroxycut is illegal there. And I do agree that Marla Duncan was pregnant in her before photo...
  2. L


    Has anyone tried Hydroxycut? If so how did it work for you? Did it help with fat loss? Thanks, LauraC.
  3. L

    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    KathyH. /RE: How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio? Hi Kathy, I just read your post and I would like to know more about your diet and exercise routine. I think we used to "talk" about 2 yrs ago on the firm website. You always had a lot of great ideas! Thanks, LauraC.