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  1. S


    Yes Please send cathe's rotation to me at [email protected] Thanks,:-)
  2. S


    Yes please send Cathe's rotation to me at [email protected] Thanks
  3. S

    Exercise in the heat

    It has been very hot and humid here in Maine also. Fortunately, I live near a lake so my exercise now is walking in the evening three miles to the beach with my two little dogs, go for a swim to cool off, and then walk back three miles home. By the time I get to the beach, I am drenched and...
  4. S

    Fat Flush program

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-02 AT 11:40AM (Est)[p]I and 5'5", small boned, and weigh 150 pounds and am trying to lose 25 pounds. I am 46 years old and menopausal so it has been extremely difficult for me to lose weight. Before menopause, I was always a size 6-8, weighed about 125, and ate pretty...
  5. S

    Website Help

    Oh well, I won't be joining that forum anymore and it is unlikely that I will be buying anymore Firm videos. I wonder how the Firmies feel about paying to use the forum?
  6. S

    Website Help

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-02 AT 11:57AM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-02 AT 11:56 AM (Est) Do we have to pay to join the FirmBelievers forum now?
  7. S

    Fat Flush program

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-02 AT 11:51AM (Est)[p]I am on my tenth day of the nutrisystem program and have lost four pounds so far. It is only 1000 - 1200 calories per day but I feel fine. As a matter of fact, I have always been on some form of low carb/high protein diet and I actually feel much...
  8. S

    Website Help

    I need the name of a website that will track my daily calories, fat, carbs, protein, etc. I used one a few months ago but cannot remember the name of the website. Help!