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  1. S

    dates confused

    Thanks for your help. Feelin kinda dumb here!:D Sherry
  2. S

    dates confused

    I'm not sure what I did, (I'm thinking I accidentally clicked on conference.) Now the dates are all mixed up and I can't figure out how to get back to the regular forum. Help anyone? Thanks.:-hmmm Sherry
  3. S

    All Step

    RE: Rythmic step challenging? Thanks all! Just got a DVD player last weekend. Guess I'm going to HAVE to get RS!!!! I think it's the only Cathe I don't have.:-jumpy
  4. S

    All Step

    Hi all! How would you guys rate the difficulty of the choreo on All Step compared to Rythmic Step? I've mastered All Step and was wondering if Rythmic Step is a lot more challenging.TIA Sherry