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  1. L

    what's for dinner?

    Chicken, mixed veggies, nuts and brown rice, with a small bowl of cream of mushroom soup and half slice of wheat bread.
  2. L

    Oh NOOOOO!

    You've got to find a way to get out of that trip! How often do you get to meet Cathe?
  3. L

    Silpada Designs

    I've held Silpada parties. THey have a large variety of necklaces, earings, wataches, belts... The quality is excellent. Mostly sterling silver. It may be a nice change of pace for you. You'll have fun at the party I'm sure!
  4. L

    Keeping it clean!

    Yes, that was the "joke" that was deleted. Also, the person's post that was deleted has never, ever, posted about a Cathe (or any) workout. No posts on anything fitness related (at least not sarcastically). Why this person is *here* is beyond me.
  5. L

    A request re: our group behavior

    RE: Kathy S Bumping as a reminder, this is CATHE's forum. Cathe is about fitness and healthy living. Too many OT's dont belong is THIS forum.