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    Francine: Seeking Your Advice !

    Francine, I just read you post and am really interested in trying the zig zag method, but I am really confused. Is there a web-site or book that goes into greater detail about this? Thank you, Ashley
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    Nursing Question

    Thanks April, I will check out that website. We are very fortunate that our baby took to the schedule we put him on so well. He started sleeping through the night when he was five and a half weeks old. It was Christmas eve, and the greatest Christmas present I could have gotten. Ever since...
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    Nursing Question

    Hello everyone, My baby is 12 weeks old, and I absolutely love everything about nursing him, except for one little tiny thing. I hate sleeping in a bra. I have to sleep in my bra with nursing pads or else most nights I will leak all over the place ( I don't do any middle of the night feedings...
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    Anyone have natural birthing stories?

    Hi, I had my first baby in mid November without any drugs. I labored for sixteen hours with a midwife in a hospital and gave birth to a 9 pound 4 oz. boy. I cannot stress enough to you how important it is to educate yourself! If I had not done everything that I could to familiarize myself...
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    New to Cathe, would like video suggestions

    Hello everyone, I am new to this website and Cathe. I am working on losing roughly 100 pounds, 10 down so far. I am a new first time mother, and have roughly 25 more pounds to lose before I am at pre-pregnancy weight. What are the best videos for fat loss? I am currently working out 4-5 days...