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  1. M


    Thanks to all who answered. I had wondered about the name because I've found that the obivious answer isn't always the correct one. So rather than run around looking for them under the wrong name I thought I'd get the right information from the start. Kathy S. I saw them using the gloves on...
  2. M


    I've noticed that Cathe and the ladies wear gloves for some workouts. What is their purpose and do these gloves have a special name? Molly
  3. M


    Thank you Gina. Those were very useful threads. I think I'll stay with my dumbbells for now. I find 8 pounds very taxing still so I'm not sure how long it'll be before I'm ready to move to 10 pounds. Everyone has been so helpful. I'm glad I found Cathe and this forum. Molly
  4. M


    I want to thank all who answered my question on weights. I don't think I'm doing anything special, just trying to take care of myself the best I can! Someone asked what happened. For the back no one knows. One day at work I dropped a pencil. I got on my hands and knees to retrieve it and my...
  5. M


    Hi Cathe, I just discovered your programs about a month ago and have been doing my best to work out with them. My question is this. Is there a big difference between dumb bells and barbells? I am physically challenged with herneated and degenerated disc, damaged knees and hands. I had a...
  6. M

    FIT TV wants your input

    Hi, I workout M-F from 9-10:30am and 8-8:30 pm. I use both your shows and Gilad's Bodies In Motion for my workouts using Fit TV. I like having both 30 min and 60 min shows to choose from. MollyD