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  1. S

    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than... hehehe. Had to smile reading your post. A friend of mine and I were discussing how in your early twenties your husband chases you around the bed but by your early forties you're chasing him around the bed! LOL!! I think it's...
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    FORM Q abt inner thigh squeezes in PP

    just bumping. . . . BUT, while I'm posting, I did Supersets yesterday and LOVED LOVED LOVED IT!!! I definitely liked Push-Pull. It was good. I enjoyed myself. But Supersets is just the cat's meow!!! :9 Yum! AWESOME workout! This is such a cool DVD. I am so happy with it! :7
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    FORM Q abt inner thigh squeezes in PP

    Cathe, just did PP for the first time and REALLY, really liked it! I feel very nicely worked out all over. Those inverted shoulder presses are really something to aspire to, that's for sure. . . Thank goodness for Cedie! Anyway, form question on the inner thigh squeezes with the ball. It...
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    Pyramid Upper Body

    Everybody looks GREAT but oh my I can't believe that little ol' Cathe is almost the tallest of the bunch!! Did she do that on purpose?? LOL. I would look like a GIANT in that picture.
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    Pyramid Upper Body

    LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-02 AT 08:59PM (Est)[p]oopsie double post sorry
  6. S

    Boot Camp description

    Oh my! I ordered DVD 3 and have been wondering whether or not I should've gotten 2 as well. Guess what, I SHOULD'VE!! Off to place my second preorder!