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  1. J

    The New Calorie Chart is in!!! Please check this out

    RE: The New Calorie Chart is in!!! Please check this ou... I think the chart posted at the beginning of this thread is for men, not women. Also, I think the calorie estimates are for maintaining weight, not losing weight. Check out this page from: "Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy...
  2. J

    Anyone use an Adkins type of diet?

    RE: Anyone old enough to remember "starch"? I think people are confused about how much food the body really needs to function. We are used to the portions in restaurants and they have become ingrained in us. Look at how much we should really be eating, and you almost think to yourself "NO WAY...
  3. J

    Anyone use an Adkins type of diet?

    Magic Ketones ;^) LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-02 AT 04:24PM (Est)[p]I'm with you, Maribeth -- I thought that "magic" ketones reference was truly bizarre when I first read the Times article, but maybe we shouldn't ridicule Richard Veech as he may have been quoted out of context. I posted this...
  4. J

    Anyone use an Adkins type of diet?

    RE: UFO's, Big Foot and Low-Carb "Diets" LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-02 AT 01:25PM (Est)[p]no message
  5. J

    Anyone use an Adkins type of diet?

    RE: UFO's, Big Foot and Low-Carb "Diets" LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-02 AT 01:23PM (Est)[p]Actually I do have that article ... I read it. It has a certain spin on it. If focuses only on a couple of aspects. That is one thing that irritates me. You see, we humans for some reason need to focus on only...
  6. J

    Anyone use an Adkins type of diet?

    "Great info--I'm printing it out. I'm also going to post on the pro-Atkins site that is listed above." Just a friendly warning :-) -- several of the low-carb proponents on that site do not take very well to their diet being questioned in any way, shape, or form. Be prepared for backlash. I...
  7. J

    Anyone use an Adkins type of diet?

    I came across this similar explanation on the Google group There was an old Saturday Night Live skit where a couple went to an all you can eat restaurant. At the meal, they asked for the check, but the waiter expressed surprise reminding them it's "all you can eat". "We...